Monday, 9 November 2009
Then on the front page of The Sunday Times 8th November 2009 there is a story about the Home Office ignoring risk of dangerous immigrants, not only this but that Labour had allowed unlimited immigration to rocket so that they could undermine the British Vote.
The law of treason states that :-
If a Man do levy War against our Lord the King in his Realm, or be adherent to the King's Enemies in his Realm, giving to them Aid and Comfort in the Realm."
Gordon Brown has sold us out to a Federal Europe without asking the people or giving them a vote on the subject. Is this Treason.
Monday, 25 May 2009
European Elections
We really feel that we could show the way back to full employment and Make Britain great again.
Wednesday, 1 April 2009
I came back from France yesterday and Gatwick was chaos, BAA hadn't got their organisation in gear and there was probably a couple of thousand people in the arrival hall. Now you know the English they put up with a lot but even so a couple of thousand people that have just got off their plane after a happy holiday and then they have to queue for ages. People started to get discontented but at the the front of the queue behind the immigration desks were three heavily armed terrorist police, now I think they were put there to quieten the queue down and certainly I felt badly intimidated, now this is in an area where they were uk passport holders arriving home after having gone through security before they have got on their various planes. I ask you why do they need terrorist police in this situation ? I regard this as intrusive and intimidating what is going on.
Today there are people protesting in LONDON and is this surprising after the government have been lying to us for so long. Gordon Brown promised a referendum on Europe, The Labour Party in their manifesto promised us a referendum on Europe ( and when they were taken to court over this they admitted their manifesto meant nothing ), the government lied to us over Iraq despite huge protests. Even over things like The Dartford Tunnel the government said when it was paid for they would make it free, now its paid for, and even worse they have sold it to a french company ( I wonder who got the payback on this one ), its like an african government corrupt at its core.
Now we have the depression but The Roar Party has the answer, lets get out of Europe, bring the Army back secure our borders, kick out the immigrants, we can't afford them sponging off us any more. Lets put Britian back to work, regain our fisheries, the World is going to run short of food by 2020 lets put our farmers back to work to help this world shortage. Lets start building ships, warships and trawlers, regain our manufacturing base. Stipulate any vehicles used by state organisations have to be built by British companies, after all we are paying for them with our taxes lets make sure they provide British wages. Make all companies operating in Britain have 60% British ownership, like the swiss model.
But above all we will have Reality Politics let the people vote on Important issues, we are sick and tired of the lying politicians, saying one thing and doing another. Let Parliament become a debating chamber and let the people decide.
Monday, 9 March 2009
Released from Guantanamo Bay and allowed back into Britain it hasn’t taken him long to start attacking us yet again. Instead of gratefully accepting our hospitality and keeping his head down while he recovers, he is still hell bent on revenge. What is it about these people who think they can come here take advantage of our education, our benefits systems, our goodwill but at the same time not be satisfied. He was picked up on a false passport in Pakistan after he had been to training camps in Afghanistan. What is it about the British government thinking that they even want people like him back in Britain. He isn’t British he doesn’t even want to be British, he should not be allowed back here. He would be better off back amongst his own people. Even more shocking to me is the fact that he said he lived in an area of London with 10,000 Moroccans, that’s about the number of Polish the government said would come here when they joined the EU, now there are how many millions ? They can’t say. We need to come out of Europe, finish with the European Human Rights and ask these people to go home, Nobody has ask the British People if they want immigration on this scale, nobody has given us a vote on Europe or the Immigration Policy. The thing is people like Binyam Mohamed aren’t even happy when they are here. So let’s help them get back to where they came from.
The Roar Party with Reality Politics will allow us the people a vote on these matters, lets hear what the English People really think and want on these important issues, I bet not many of them would agree to People like Binyam Mohamed being allowed to stay here. With The European Human Rights issue removed we could get rid of the other is it 2,000 people on the British Governments list of people here actively plotting against us.
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
Tuesday, 3 February 2009
The most important thing to The Roar Party is democracy for the people with e-voting on important issues. We can never do this while in the dictatorship of Europe. So we are dedicated to coming out of the EU, asking all the European Immigrants to go home, we will be instantly £200 billion a year better off ( Our cost of Europe ) a big part of our debt at the moment. We will bring our armies back from Iraq and Afghanistan and put them to work where they should be defending our borders. We will identify and round up and repatriate all the illegal immigrants here. These actions will restore the British workers their jobs at a livable wage and put our economy back on its feet. We will have a model like Switzerland where companies trading here will have to be owned 60% by British nationals, this will end the dominance of foreign companies here. The Government have completely ignored the wishes of the British People and let us be overrun by immigration, our infrastructure just can't cope, roads, transport, schools, hospitals benefits system are groaning under the strain. The Roar Party has the answers to all of Britains problems at the moment let's put Britain back where it should be.
The Roar Party reality politics for the People.
Tuesday, 13 January 2009
Human Rights
So the government are going to pay blood money to inner city and deprived area school teachers, £10,000 after three years, don’t make me laugh, actually I am incandescent with rage.
I’ve just had a call from an inner city secondary school teacher almost in tears, she has just started teaching at Beckton, ( I know Beckton my uncle used to shovel coal there in the gasworks it was rough then and it still seems to be ) she is used to the inner city school system and has already taught at St Pauls in Bow and The Bermondsey City Academy. She is no stranger to teaching hard kids and she is no pushover and is quite strict.
But her experiences at this school are her worst, she has just had a 15 year come right into her face and call her a f***** c***, she asked her politely as she was in her personal space to move further away and the child ( or young adult ? ) ask her what personal space is ? Do you honestly think £10,000.00 after three years is going to solve this problem, I can’t see this teacher staying in the profession and can you blame her, she is teaching 32 children in this class and it took her 40 minutes to just do the register.
What backing is this teacher going to get from the system, how come we can allow this teacher and others to be ABUSED like this without any recourse to help? £10,000.00 after three years I would like to get behind a bulldozer and raze the school to the ground.
The government’s great social experiment is in tatters, the economy is in tatters, no wonder after pouring all our money and gold reserves into the great European failure.
This I think goes to prove what every one I talk to is saying, that the great social experiment of no discipline has gone too far. The Roar Party has the answer we must get out of Europe and the European Human Rights system and restore discipline in the home and at school, these kids nowadays don’t even respect themselves how can they respect others.
As for the economy we must get out of Europe, and restore our fisheries, our agriculture, our manufacturing, we are sitting on 2,000 years reserve of fuel lets dig it up and use it, we’ve gone bankrupt paying the French, Russians and Arabs to much for our fuel.
Lets give the British people real democracy with reality politics they can’t make more of a mess of it than this government and if Labour or the Conservatives get back at the next election we will lose Britain as we know it, the Europeans are already to start carving us up into pieces so they can they can divide and RULE !