Friday, 29 August 2014

Child Abuse

Social Media is exploding with accusations of Child Abuse. Not only in England, Wales and Northern Island here is a link to Scotland as well.

And another link here to Lambeth and suspected murder of someone that appears to be about to blow the whistle, shades of Jill Dando here.

Can you blame Douglas Carswell trying to get away from any of The Main Parties that have been suppressing these scandals for years, even as far as D Notices and using Special Branch, against victims and people trying to find the truth.

Thursday, 28 August 2014

David Cameron gets hit.

Douglas Carswell goes to Ukip fed up with the lies and promises from David Cameron over Europe. But this is nothing compared to the hit he will take when the Truth comes out about Edward Heath and Leon Brittan.

Morning Sickness

Theresa May and Nick Clegg call for Shaun Wrights resignation.

Theresa May and Nick Clegg call for Shaun Wrights resignation saying he must have known about the abuse in South Yorkshire. Well, so is it clear that if you have known of widespread sexual abuse and have not done anything about it , you should resign, if so The Roar Party is calling on both of you to resign over the cover up of an elite peadophile ring in Westminster. You both must know about these stories and accusations because there are D Notices preventing them becoming public. Well the D Notices might have worked before the Internet but now these stories are all over the  Internet. You want an example:-
So Theresa May and Nick Clegg, Ow and Mr Cameron when are you resigning.

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Our Borders are understaffed.

Our Borders are understaffed, quote on LBC today. Once again the Government are failing in their primary purpose, especially at this time. This is a resignation issue you can't sweep this under the carpet Mr Cameron, especially as this comes on top of the news that 50 million people have moved in and out of Britain without being recorded.

Your time is limited anyway Mr Cameron, Mr Miliband and Mr Clegg, when this news really breaks and we see how successive governments have used D Notices to keep these stories hidden.

Google.... Jimmy Saville, Haute Garenne, Edward Heath.

Google.... Leon Brittan, Elm Guest House.

We demand an immediate inquiry into these stories.

Thursday, 21 August 2014


The events of this week have shown us that British ? Muslims are capable of anything. 
Beheadings, taking captives to be used as sex slaves, killing innocent men women and children, it just shows you what they are capable of, once they have escaped the restraints of civilised society.

Maybe The Japanese have got it right.The official policy of Japan is not to give citizenship to Muslims who  go to  Japan, and even permits for permanent residency are given sparingly to Muslims.
Japan forbids exhorting people to adopt the religion of Islam (Dawah), and any Muslim who actively encourages conversion to Islam is seen as proselytizing to a foreign and undesirable culture. Few academic institutions teach the Arabic language. It is very difficult to import books of the Qur’an to Japan, and Muslims who come to Japan, are usually employees of foreign companies. In Japan there are very few mosques. 
Recently I was talking to a lovely young lady who came from a rural Essex village, she had just returned from The East End and she told me she had been approached by three Muslim Men who had told her the wearing of shorts in their area was forbidden, she was very upset by this and quite emotional, perhaps this was the same area that was flying the Isis flag recently, can you imagine what would have happened if you had flown a swastika over an East End estate in the last war. You see the fact is that Muslims coming to this country are coming from very corrupt society and when they come here they don't want to conform to our civilised society. they want to alter our education system, they try and corrupt our voting system ( we still haven't heard the results of the inquiry into the voting scandal in Tower Hamlets ) They are not happy with our laws and want to impose Sharia law especially in East London. They preach hatred and radicalisation from some of their Mosques. The Australian premier was right if you want to change our society that much please go somewhere else. I can tell you from personal experience that the Gulf between our cultures is enormous.
Those muslims that can be identified as fighting in Syria and Iraq for IS should be declared personna non grata and not allowed back in our country.
During the last 10 years we have been overwhelmed by a tsunami of immigration, both from Muslim and European countries, the British people have had immigration and Multiculturalism forced on us that  we didn't want it and certainly weren't allowed a vote on. Recently over 50 million people have been allowed in and out of the country without any checks, The British Governments primary purpose is to protect The British People and they have completely failed here. They should resign just over this issue alone. 
Mind you since the 1980's we have been forced into a federal Europe that very few British People wanted, and despite promises from The Liars, Brown, Blair and Cameron we have never been allowed a vote on this.
And now there are even bigger stories erupting all over The Internet and Social Media, about Edward Heath and his proclivities (google:- Jimmy Saville, Haut de Garenne, Edward Heath ) and that these proclivities were discovered by The Germans and that is how they blackmailed Edward Heath into taking us into what has become a Federal Europe, and now there is such a huge increase in immigration from Europe that we will never be able to vote ourselves out of Europe, with people from 38 countries allowed to vote in our Elections. We demand a vote on Europe but with only British Citizens allowed to vote.
These huge cover ups are also involving top politicians ( google Leon Brittan, Elm Guest House  ) and these stories have been covered up by successive Governments involving D Notices, and Special Branch discouraging people who are trying to bring these stories out, and discouraging victims from coming forward with their stories.
The army have come back from Afghanistan lets use them and their intelligence services to find and interview all the children that were admitted to Haut de Garenne, Kincora, Grafton Close, and more especially when these children left these homes and where they went. A public inquiry involving  politicians or the judiciary is no good owing to the connections with people on these lists.

Generally they are coming from a corrupt societies that are so far removed from our civilisation.

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Who are MP's

Who are Mp's are they a special breed, because we vote to represent us do they become superheroes, or as it seems in a lot of cases super baddies. If you google the opposite of Superheros there isn't a word !!!!
Once you become an MP do you become above the law, does it mean you can pull the strings and change bad into good, can you get Special Branch to protect you whatever evil you are doing,  presumably in The Interest Of National Security. ? Can you get ordinary policeman to cover up for you, get policeman shuffled sideways,  taken off the case, retired, or whatever influence you can use to get them off the case. Apparently this list from the Elm Guest House has been doing the rounds since 1982 when it was raided by the police.
Even recently Mr Danczuk described a warning that came after a vote in the House of Commons on a  Monday night when a senior Conservative MP “stepped out of the shadows” to confront him.
He said: “I’d never spoken to him before my life but he blocked my way and ushered me to one side.
“He warned me to think very carefully about what I was going to say the next day before the Home Affairs Select Committee when I’d be answering questions on child abuse.
So what do these MP's become after we have elected them, that they think they are so above us (the people that elected them ) that they can do the most evil things (google Jimmy Saville, Haut De Garenne, Edward Heath ) in this example it seems the evil was witnessed by Special Branch Protection Group, who nicknamed Edward Heath's Boat Morning Sickness.
But the big question remains do these people become so powerful after we have elected them, that they become above the law, use their influence to evade being arrested have their names and evil doings protected by D Notices.
Once we have elected them do they themselves become more than ordinary people, does the Palace of Westminster change them like Superman, spin around in a telephone box and become somehow a different breed, now longer subject to the law, able to do the most evil of things to their "subjects" and protect themselves , with The Police, Special Branch, MI5, The Law, D Notices, Super Injunctions.
David Cameron should resign. All the major political parties should be disbanded , because The Conservative Party, The Labour Party, The Liberal Party have all taken their place in this deception, have placed  themselves above The Law, all  because we voted these ordinary people to become MP's.
I said I wasn't going to blog about this any more but as more and more people become aware of this huge conspiracy, especially on Social Media and The Internet it is becoming more and more of a topic of conversation. 
So we elect them  and then from The Highest level, Prime Minister, Home Secretary, Ordinary MP's they then think they are above us, we are just The Plebs who don't matter don't have a voice, can be lied to ( as in having a Vote on Europe, George Brown, Tony Blair, David Cameron have all promised us  a vote on Europe ), we are just The People we don't count, we can't be told The Truth.  We are The underclass They are "The Rulers " above us in every way.
We need a new vision  of politics, real democracy, it is time now to give democracy to the people lets have e-voting on important issues give people their own vote. The Roar Party is the only party pledged to do this, with Reality Politics. Power to The People.

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

John Major is Right and Wrong.

Former Prime Minister says immigrants should be valued for the "guts and drive" they have to leave their homes and work for a better life

We agree with you John however we are being overwhelmed with a tsunami of immigration and that is where it is wrong. Our infrastructure is built for 60 million people and how many are here now ?  The government don't really know and that is where it is going wrong. It could be 70 million and some suggest 80 million. All we know is that are services. hospital, schools, roads, doctors just are not coping.  And Sir John  did anyone ask the British People if they wanted immigration on such a scale, did anyone offer us a vote on Europe, Oh sorry I forgot The Liars, Blair, Brown, Cameron all offered us a vote on Europe when they were not in Power, and  as soon as they were in power turned their backs on The People.  The Roar Party will give The People a vote on Europe, and we will ask The Europeans to go home after all we never ask them to come her. And don't tell me its good for our economy when we now have a National Debt of 1.7 Trillion.

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Morning Sickness

This was the nickname given to Edward Heath's boat Morning Cloud by his close protection team who must have known what was going on. Why was this nickname given, listen to Michael Shrimpton and you will understand:-
And then you have the allegations against the former Home Secretary , listen to Bill Maloney and Chris Fay here :-

For some time these stories have been kept from the Public with D notices, but now they are all over The Internet and people are talking about them. Soon Mr Cameron will have his own Morning Sickness and will have  to make a statement about these stories and either deny them or start apologising, and with a Prime Minister accused of Child Abuse and worse, and with a Home Secretary involved as well, I don't think The Government will survive.
Maybe you should resign now Mr Cameron.

This is the last blog I am going to make on this subject, I am now going to concentrate on the main aims of The Roar Party bringing democracy to the people with Reality Politics. Giving people their own vote on all important issues.

Monday, 4 August 2014

Yesterday we were enemies today we are friends

That's just such a load of rubbish. The Fuhrer was here a few weeks ago telling David Cameron, that he wouldn't be able to renegotiate anything,  and on top of that he got no support over the selection of the EU president. The Germans are just so much the enemy as they were 100 years ago, don't be fooled.

Saturday, 2 August 2014

This could bring The Government Down

I thought I would back off blogging about The Child Abuse scandal and The Elm House Affair, I was beginning to get worried I might be attracting the attention of MI5 or The Special Branch, it seems so many people associated with this story have either committed "suicide" or "died". Then today on BBC News up pops the subject again with The Kincora Childrens Home Scandal, now why would a tiny Childrens Home in Northern Ireland, attract the attention of Jimmy Saville and The English Prime Minister Edward Heath. If you google Kincora and Jimmy Saville, up comes a load of information about Jimmy Saville and also a picture of Ted Heath visiting the home. Now as far as I know there are no D Notices covering this.
But if you google Jimmy Saville, Haute De Gaurenne, and Edward Heath up comes some pretty damaging accusations, and there are apparently D notices covering publication of this story, now why would you need D notices unless the authorities are trying to keep a cap on what happened in Jersey and at The Tory Party Conference at Blackpool.
Now another story with a D notice and a super injunction, is the story about The Elm Guest House, now this concerns The famous missing dossier, given to Leon Brittan by Geoffrey Dickens, now if you google The Elm Guest House and Leon Brittan, it suddenly becomes clear why the dossier disappeared.
If these links to Edward Heath and Leon Brittan turn out to be true I can't see The Government surviving.