Sunday, 30 November 2014

260,000 Mistakes


Thursday, 27 November 2014

Dartford Crossing

At last they are going to do something about the Dartford Crossing or Le Crossing as the French Company that manage have renamed it !. Why do we have a French Company managing an asset that the Government promised us would be free when it was paid for ? Another case of our Government betraying The English by channeling our money into French Profits and French Jobs ?  TFL have the technology to handle The Congestion charge why can't they do it ? Just another example of our Government taking our hard earned tax revenues and giving it out to EU countries. Look at all the Ambulances and Police vans a lot of them are Mercedes, or Volkswagen our hard earned money going to German jobs and profits no wonder The Fuhrer wants us to stay in. While we are on the subject why do we allow our British Companies to be sold to overseas investors The Roar Party would like to see all companies operating in Britain to be 65% owned by British Nationals. The same with our houses and buildings ordinary Londoners are being priced out of London because overseas investors are buying houses. Like a lot of other countries we should only allow British people to buy in England, or people that have been granted residency here. And why not extend this to Football, teams must have 65% of their squads British and only English managers, perhaps then we will see an improvement in our teams performances in World and European matches.
The Roar Party wants to see British jobs for British People. Another 260,000 people have flooded in in the last year, we are full, STOP IMMIGRATION NOW !

Friday, 21 November 2014

Congratulations to UKIP

Why should we congratulate another party ? It is because they have broken the mould. It is because people are waking up to the fact that our masters have no intention of listening to us over Europe. Gordon Brown, David Cameron all promised us a vote on Europe before they were in power and they lied to us they had no intention of giving us the vote. The Roar Party will give you a vote on Europe and referendums on all important issues.
The Labour party has shown us what they think of the ordinary people by sneering at white van man and his flags. They have shown us by their attitude on Europe how far theyn have become divorced from the very base they should be representing.  Emily Thornberry should not only resign from her position of power but resign as an MP, give UKIP another opportunity for another MP.
On top of this all the parties have been sitting on top of this volcano that is now showing signs of going to erupt, historical child abuse by people in power. Right from the top,  Prime Ministers,  Home Secretarys, MP'S and others have been abusing their positions of power, and they have been abusing our children. This information is  becoming a tsunami that is sweeping across the internet.

Want to know more:-


Edward Heath, Jimmy Saville, Haut de Garenne,


Leon Brittan, Elm Guest House.

Will more MP's resign their seats ?


Thursday, 20 November 2014

UKIP are copying our ideas on Immigration

Today UKIP said that if we vote to come out of Europe they will ask our EU Immigrants to go home.. The Roar Party will give you a vote on this we never ask them to come but if you vote on it we will ask them to go home.

Sunday, 9 November 2014

Could Ed Miliband get any further from The Working Man.

Ed Milibands comments on The EU today distances himself further from The Working Man than any Labour leader in history. I have never been in a pub especially in a Public Bar where the ordinary working man expresses his comments on The EU and heard anyone wanting to stay in Europe. We spent two World Wars fighting The Germans and The Working Man was the one on The Front Line, they remember and they now object to being Ruled by The New Fuhrer, who told Cameron last week that he won't be allowed to renogotiate on freedom of Movement. Ed Miliband you are as far from The Working Man as it is possible to get !

Thursday, 6 November 2014

The Fuhrer jackboots Cameron

The Fuhrer has told Cameron that it would be easier for him to leave Europe, than renegotiate Freedom of Movement. She has told him what all Englishmen want, get out of Europe.