Saturday, 19 December 2015

Coal Mine Closure.

With the closure of Kellingley pit is it time to reflect on how The Government is doing ?
Coal Mine closure this week !
Steel works closing last week ¬!
Last year Immigration at over 600,000
Last week news that a 200 year old Deaf school was to be closed.
Pensioners in Essex may be charged £25.92 to be picked up if they fall over.
Fire stations closed
Police stations closed
Traffic jams everywhere
Hospitals so stretched, one of our members had to wait 7 weeks to see a specialist and now faces an 18 week wait for an opereation.
Mental Health in turmoil.
They are giving homes to immigrants and asylem seekers when we will have 100,000 children of our own without a proper roof over their head at Christmas.
Schools in crisis.
London homes being sold to non residents and forcing out ordinary Londoners.
The Roar Party will give give you a vote on all important issues.

Friday, 11 December 2015

The Royal Deaf School Margate - Heartbraking news

The John Townsend Trust who run The Royal School foe Deaf Children established in 1792 announced today that The School is closing TODAY. Over 380 teachers will lose their jobs, these are not just ordinary teachers they are extremely dedicated and caring.
Is this another example of David Camerons big society, is this another example of a grasping Government who have sold off Mental Hospitals, Ordinary Hospitals, Police Stations, Fire Stations, Schools, School Playing fields, Shelters for Abused Women, anything that supports ordinary and vunerable people.
As long as The Duke of Westminster, The Monarchy, David Camerons family , George Osbournes family and most of the Cabinet and the rest of the top 5% that own 95% of the wealth are OK who cares for the People ?
The Roar Party are dedicated to making a more even society by sharing the wealth down to the people.

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Is Donald J Trump right ?

Donald Trump is getting slated right now because he thinks they should stop Muslim immigration into the states. This is because he thinks they are facing a threat from radical Islamic terrorism, and  the tremendous danger and uncertainty of certain people going into the USA.
He also got slated because he said there were certain areas of London the police were afarid to go,  and he has been vindicated over this by  a Met officer saying on LBC that officers were being told not to wear their uniforms travelling through these areas on their way to work.
The Roar Party would like to see all Muslim immigration stopped along with all other  immigration, until we can find out who exactly is in the country, David Camerons promise of restricting immigration has been smashed to pieces with 336,000 net migration in the last year. The actual immigration figures, people coming here  was  over 600,000, you must be feeling sick about this David Cameron !. How can you stay in power when you have got it so wrong #cameronmustgo.
On top of this we have started bombing Syria, the excuse for this is to support mainly France after their horrific attack there. But do The French support us ? they are still allowing the festering sore that is Calais where people with no papers or identity are drip feeding across our borders, where is our security here ?. The Governments first priority is to protect its people another complete failure of David Canerons Government, how can these people sleep at night, knowing they are completly failing in so many ways.
They want to help The Syrian Refugees by bringing them here, so we are going to bring taumatised and vunerable people here, who are going to be supported by benefits the NHS and our Mental health system !!!!  Wait our Mental Health system is a complete failure, and we are going to have 100,000 children without a proper roof over their heads at Christmas. That's without a million people using food banks, David Camerton you are not even looking after your own people let alone importing more problems.
If we can afford Millions on Bombing Syria lets stop this and start helping people here first !.
The Roar Party will give people a vote on Immigration.
The Roar Party will give you a vote on whether we should be at War !
The biggest difference between The Roar Party and other parties, is we will have proper democarcy with e-voting on all important issues, real democracy, Reality Politics !

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

A Bag for Life

A Bag for Life
A life for your country

Monday, 23 November 2015

President Hollandes words are hollow when it comes to The Calais Camp

So David Cameron offers his support to President Hollande but what is he doing for us ? allowing the rabble at Calais to continue to get into Britain illegally. How come our Goverment are ignoring these people continually infiltrating our borders with no papers and no identity. At the very least The French Government should round them up and fingerprint and DNA them and establish their identify, because they could be anyone terrorist or IS fighters.

This is a quote from Hassan Hakani today on twitter :-

I will always speak the real truth of Islam, become Muslim or die its as simple as that. We will try to kill you all, you will try to stop us and there will be one winner left standing. There is no such thing as a moderate Muslim only a fake one with no balls. The real Muslims convert or kill. We will have our own celiphate soon enough and when we are done with The Middle East we will march on Europe. Do you know how many fighters we sent into Europe with the "refugees" it has Already begun so prepare yourselves for war.

We have been warned but our Government are ignoring their primary responsibilty to us, the protection of its people.

Saturday, 21 November 2015

UN security council pass a resolution against Syria.

What does that mean to us, does it give our Government  reason to start bombing IS in Syria......
But can we afford it ? They are telling us there will be 100,000 children homeless at Christmas, the NHS is in crisis, Mental Health care is nearly non-existant, when I was younger there were probably 6 huge mental hospitals in our area with at least two big childrens homes, all have been sold off now by The Government for housing, leaving mental patients out in the community to attack and murder.
I came home last night after attending  a say No to EU (incidently  a brilliant speech by Nigel Farage), I travelled on the Underground, now today I hear that The Belgium government have closed down their Metro on a Security alert, so where does that leave us, The Government is failing in their Number One duty to protect Bitish Citizens, they are allowing people that have been to fight in Syria ( some of these just like the very people involved in The Paris attack ) back into England, just like the very people that committed the heinious attack in Paris last weekend and the very people that The Belgium Government has had to close their Metro on intelligence of an attack there. At the very least we should intern these people if they are allowed back here, I don't understand why they are not declared personna non grata and not allowed back here at all.
So shouldn't we concentrate on the problems here and get them sorted before we go and spend millions and millions bombing in Syria ?

Monday, 16 November 2015

8 terrorists shot 350.

If 8 terrorists can shot 350 people, what would happen if Isis managed to get 100,000 of their fighters into the middle of Europe in amongst the other migrants. We already see that the majority of these migrants are fit young men of fighting age. So is it Isis's plan to get these terrorists in and then supply them with weapons, if I was an Isis commander this is just what I would be doing. Prepare to see the middle of Europe erupt when their weapons arrive.
The Roar Party is the only party that will give The British People a vote on stopping all immigration, until we sort out who is in the Country !

David Cameron supports Capital Punishment.

We are delighted David Cameron agress with us over Capital Punishment and The Roar Party are the only party that will give you The People the opportunity to vote on this important issue, everytime there is a survey on this subject an overwheming proportion of English people want a return to Capital Punishment.  We will give you  a vote on this subject and a votes on all important issues, The Roar Party stands for reform and referendum, Reality Politics Rules !

Friday, 30 October 2015

Do you want a Democracy, where your vote will count ?

Do you want a Democracy, where your vote will count ?

Its half past five in the morning and I am in a hotel room in Manila, I have just put the kettle on and made myself a cup of tea and now I can't sleep because I have this question going around in my head,

Do you want a Democracy where your vote will count ?

You know it probably made sense in the 13 th Century when our Parliament really begun, to elect a representative to travel to London on your behalf, because you had listened to him express his ideas ( his manifesto if you like ) and you hoped when he got there he would vote on your behalf, along the lines he had outlined to you. But now we know that isn't true ! The last Lanbour Government promised along with lots of other things a vote on Europe, when they got in they didn't give it to us, and when their manifesto was challenged in court, they more or less admitted it wasn't worth the paper it was witten on !
David Cameron on the lead up not to this latest election but the  one before that, promised us a vote on Europe. Did he give us that vote...NO !
He has promised the same thing again in the run up to the last election, has he given us that vote.... NO !
Now he is saying he will give  us a vote after he has renegotiated the treaty, thats a laugh because The Fuhrere has told him, NO ! renogotiation !

So where does that leave us ?

You could consider a party like The Roar Party ( Roar standing for Reform and Referendum or even Reform and Revolution ) because we would Revolutionise Parliament by giving the people themselves a vote on important issues with e-voting. Parliament would become a televised debating chamber, then the people themselves would get e-voting, lets reconnenect with the people, that have become so disillusioned by their representatives not actually voting  the way they had promised before the elections.
Thats without the gravy train that is The Houss of Lords, do we really need 819 expenses grabbing parasites ? in place of The People.

The Roar Party is the only party that promises you The People Real Democracy !

Monday, 26 October 2015


An article today stated that 50% of the worlds wealth is held by 1% of The Population, its true we are in one of the richest countries in the World and we are being ripped off by The Monarchy, The Government and The Multinationals. We The Roar Party pledge to bring some equality to The People.
Do you want a Revolution we will give it to you.

Sunday, 25 October 2015

Diesel Prices around the world.

The English Diesel Price of £1.10 a litre is one of the highest in the world, why do we stand for being ripped off by our Government like this. Recently in The Philippines which imports all its oil,  the  price of Diesel was 26 peso a litre equivalent to £0.36, we are being ripped off wholesale by our Government. Now with a hugh oil field discovered under Gatwick Airport, The Roar Party when elected will drastically bring down the price of fuel.  The English people should share in this wealth like other oil producing countries. The English people have been taken advantage for to long by their own Government and The Multinationals, join the revolution lets really change things.

Saturday, 24 October 2015

South African Students show the way on Tuition Fees.

South African students riot and get the Government to back down on Tuition Fees. You don't need to do this in England The Roar Party will promise to abolish Tuition Fees for English students. Mind you they will restrict University places to the brightest students, university is not for everyone and to counter this they will encourage British Industry to expand with a variety of measures that will encourage expansion. To start with if the governmene purchase anything where possible it will be sourced in Great Britain, no more German Ambulances, German Police Cars,  British taxpayers money going on German jobs, if we spend English Taxpayers money it will go on English jobs. Any companies operating in Britain will have to be owned 65% by British Nationals, this will stop multinationals operating here and not paying taxes into our economy. Houses and property will have to be owned by British Nationals or people with residential status.For to long English people have been  squeezed out of London by Foreign Investors, what advantage do we the people gain by this.  Maybe we could even apply this to British Football teams, 65% of a teams squad must be British born, this would encourage our teams to become stronger with home grown talent.

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Huge One Billion Prize to the inventor of an anti-gravity motor.

The Roar Party believes that the next big  breakthrough in science will be a usefull anti-gravity motor, and will provide a prize of 1 Billion Pounds to any person, group or company in Britain that could produce an Anti-gravity motor.
They will also build a new university to study this and other new scientific developements.
They will abolish tuition fees for University Students but will restrict University Entrance to a higher entry qualification. We want to encourage the brightest students to be able to have University Education and not come out at the end with a huge debt around their shoulders.

Saturday, 26 September 2015

Jeremy Corbyn and his detachment from the People.

At the moment The Labour Party doesn't seem to know where its support comes from, one of the first things Mr Corbyn did after being elected was to go to a pro-immigration rally. Now in the last few years I have enjoyed a few pints with the boys in the public bar much like Nigel Farage and like Nigel I have listened to groups of working class men chatting, do you know the two main subjects have been that they would like to see immigration stopped and they are against the EU. Later that day Mr Corbyn stated that he was for The EU and wouldn't vote to come out.
Now this week Kerry McCarthy has  stated that eating meat is on a par with smoking. As the authorities now fine people for smoking in a car accompanied with children, will The Labour Party fine people for giving thier children meat.
I have never seen a party that purports to support the working man distance itself so far from their supporters, they have it wrong over what the ordinary man thinks about Immigration and Europe, and now they are attacking what has been the staple diet for the working man for two generations, Meat  and Two veg.

Friday, 18 September 2015

The Conservative Party have already raped our children, now they are going to rape us.

Its funny just when the VIP Elite Paedophile ring story was really breaking with 7 Police forces saying they were going to investigate Edward Heath. The story of the little boy was suddenly front page news and now we are going to have to accept 20,000 Syrian refugees, as a cover for The VIP Westminster Paedophile ring story.
It's amazing when an Ex Prime Minister, ex Home Secretary, ex Chancellor, Members of The Monday Club and various MP's of all parties are all being accused of the worst crimes including Murder, Torture,  and abuse, that we haven't heard a word from David Cameron or Teresa May on the subject, indeed I was at a meeting at the House of Commons a few months back when all this was being brought to the attention of the public, and I was extremely disappointed that David Cameron or Teresa May never put their head through the door to support The Child Abuse campaign.
Now Teresa May has said that we are going to have to have accept 20,000 Syrian refugees here, isn't the 600,000 we took in last year enough, and aren't they wreaking enough havoc here already. The Syrian refugees if they come will be all suffering physical and mental distress and will probably be dependent on the NHS for a long time, we can't even cope with the mental health issues in this country already, do you really want to put more refugees in front of our own people, and that is without the housing problem we have here, it was reported this week that 1 in 10 of our ex-servicemen that fought gallantly in Iraq and Afghanistan are homeless.
There have been two very high profile murder cases reported recently where immigrants that had been accused of murder in their own countries   had come her and murdered two of our own. Surely we don't have to have free movement of criminals from Europe into our own country, do I need to remind you that the number one duty of your government is to protect its own.
It seems  that the majority of immigrants that want to come here now are Muslim, and you only have to look at what's happened in this country with how many people killed here already including two beheadings and how many bombs and even more bomb plots. Then we have the Muslim Gangs that have been abusing girls in how many English Towns now is it ten or more ? Then you look at what's happening in Sweden which has become the second rape capital of the world, with Muslim Riots, in Germany, Hungary, Spain,  Sweden, Netherlands even  Australia.
The Conservatives got in on a promise of immigration in the tens of thousands not hundreds of thousands and The Roar Party call on you to stop now !  STOP all immigration until the situation has been evaluated.
Come out of Europe so that we can deport the Murderers, Rapists and Thugs that are running rings around the system and making a fortune for The Legal Rights Lawyers like Cherie Blair.

Saturday, 12 September 2015

Congratulations Jeremy Corbyn.

You have to hand it to the Man, and he made a nice speech especially the way he bigged up his fellow contestants, even I was impressed until he got to the part where he said he was off to support the refugees march ! Then he showed his loony Islington leftists policies. doesn't he realise we feel betrayed by The Labour parties betrayal of The British People by their open door immigration policy to try and effect social engineering  by allowing so many people in, to try and change the voting patterns, to get more people to vote Labour ?
The Roar Party want to change the voting patterns by giving people the vote on all important issues,  even Zac Goldsmith is copying our ideas saying he wants more referendums on important issues, we want a bigger revolution than Jeremy Corbyn we want to give the People real democracy with reality politics.

Sunday, 6 September 2015

Thoughts for this week.

So much has happened this week, the main picture has been of this dead boy on the beach. Of course even one dead child is to much, but now we have so many different stories emerging about this, one that this family had been in Turkey for three years, that the father wanted to use health tourism to come to Europe to get his teeth fixed before going to Canada, another that he had sent his wife who was terrified of the water ahead of him to get into Europe first and then he would follow. We heard his story of how he had battled with the waves steering the boat before it was swamped. There seems to be so much misinformation around this story, which of these versions are true ? and now this story is being used to attempt to change The British attitude to immigration.
This story broke just as the really big story of the VIP paedophile ring was really breaking, with up to 7 police forces investigating the alleged involvement of Edward Heath, so has The Britsih Government latched onto this story of the dead child, and propagated it to cover this story.

This week as one of our members was driving near Basildon he was waved down by an Arab looking gentleman who rushed up and pleaded and asking if the person spoke arabic  ( oh yes thats so likely near Basildon ) and saying that he had run out of petrol, funnily enough this member had been scammed in exactly the same way 3 weeks earlier, so he reached for his camera and took a photo immediatly the scammer stood up so he couldn't be photographed, and immediately returned to his dark Blue Astra Car and drove away, funny that the car suddenly seemed to have petrol. Apparently this scam has been going on in Cambridgeshire and Surrey, so when we do allow these foreigners in, they are not content to settle down and work hard they are straight away trying to con us. Incidentally  this has been reported to The Police with the registration No.

Beware of Arab looking people asking for money for petrol.

Then we had a phone call in the middle of the night from a foreign sounding person who threatened us severely saying we should be careful what we write.

Thursday, 27 August 2015

So Moat it Be

You couldn't MOAT it up,  get caught out claiming expenses for cleaning out your Moat and you get promoted. Get shuffled off the government benches because there is a hint of scandal involving Dolphin House and The VIP Paedophile Ring and you get promoted to the Lords with all the other old queers.
825 Peers all the old cronies claiming their £300.00 a day, a lot of hard working English people have to work hard all the week for that. The Roar Party is the only party that will put a stop to this, we want a revolution where The Commons will become a debating chamber and The People will have a vote on all important issues with e-voting, real democracy with Reality Politics.

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Lies and Propaganda

Once again The British Government lies to its people, they have used stock photos and made up conversations to illustrate a point on The Benefits System, making out they are real people talking.
If the Government lies to us over The Benefits System, can we believe them about anything ?
Ian Duncan Smith should resign immediately and the person in The DWP who authourised these lies should be sacked. Are they learning how to promote their Propaganda from Their Masters The Germans who were so good at it in the last war, and is The Stasi still there influencing our Government. This is The Government that wants us to remain in Europe and what lies and propagande are they going to feed us The People when it comes to The Most Important  Vote of all, In or Out of Europe. A Europe that Michael Shrimpton alleges on You Tube that we were taken into by The Germans blackmailing Edward Heath over his proclivities to rape, murder and abuse children. A Government that has known about the elite VIP Paedophile ring for decades and has used The Secret Services, The Special Branch,  The Police and D Notices to keep this from The People, because if this was known that an Ex Prime Minister, Ex Home Secretary, Ex Chancellor and members of various political parties, had been taking part in the most horrendous activities against children. It would mean the end of The Government, no wonder David Cameron and Theresa May havn't said a word about this.

The Roar Party pledges to bring you a Government of Truth, to give you The People a vote on all important issues, so that a Government that has only got 23.4 % of the vote can't talk for the people any longer. They will give you a vote on Europe and Immigration and all important other issues.

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Russia Today V BBC

Here is a question for you.
Are Western Journalists that work for  RT peddling Russian Propaganda the same as the journalists that work for the supposedly unbiased BBC peddling The British Governments and The EU's Propaganda ?

Saturday, 8 August 2015

Captain Cameron

We are sorry we keep coming back to this story, its just that we don't get it ! With an Ex Prime Minister, Ex Home Secretary, Ex Chancellor, Lord Janner members of The Monday Club all accused of Murder, Torture, Rape, Child Abuse. Captain David Cameron keeps sailing on like The Captain of The Titanic with the Conservative Band playing on. He is on a critically wounded ship that is going down, yet not one word from him or The Home Secretary on the subject, its as though they are members of The Ostrich Party, heads well and truly buried in the sand, while The Ship they are on (shall we call it Morning Sickness ? ) is going down.

Thursday, 6 August 2015


Don't forget the way The Japanese came into the war a completely surprise attack on Pearl Harbor.
Then they conducted the worst atrocities on our Prisoners of War, my own Uncle came home from a Japanese Prisoner of War camp and his experiences were so bad he would never talk about them. They were guilty of the worst types of War Crimes.

Edward Heath

So now its breaking the news about Ted Heath. You know it beat me over the last election I just didn't get it that people would vote for a Party where The Prime Minister, The Home Secretary, Chancellor, members of The Monday Club had in various ways been implicated in  Murder, Torture, Child Abuse of the worst kind, where children in care had in effect been trafficked around for the pleasure of our ruling class. Google:- Edward Heath, Jimmy Saville, Haut de Garenne.

So five Police Forces are investigating Edward Heath, I hope they are going to interview the Secret Services that were allegedly watching Jimmy Saville take vunerable young children onto Morning Cloud, indeed Michael Shrimpton says that they nicknamed Edward Heaths boat "Morning Cloud" "Morning Sickness".

Indeed it makes you wonder about The Special Branch, they stopped Don Hale (The editor of The Bury Messenger ) publishing a story given to him by the MP Barbara Castle about Cyril Smith, warning him of imprisonment if he published and giving him a D Notice stopping him publishing the story.

Another D Notice covered the story about Leon Brittan and his visits to Elm Guest House, the very person who was given the files by Geoffrey Dickens that dissappeared.

Also Chris Fey ( worked for The National Association of Young People in Care ) alleges that Special Branch were intercepting Victims of Abuse that were coming to give evidence at his office about their abuse, and warning them off, and personally held a gun to his head warning him against investigating a VIP paedophile ring. Google :- Chris Fey, Special Branch.

Even more worrying is the fact that Michael Shrimpton alleges that The Germans were blackmailing Edward Heath over his proclivities, into taking us into The Common Market on their terms.

And now we have Prince Charles trying to pull a veil of secrecy over his association with Jimmy Saville. Why is he trying to cover all this up ?

I feel betrayed by the media and the Police they have known all this for years and have been part of the huge cover up. I find it very odd that The Current Prime Minister is sailing along completly ignoring all this and is part of the cover up himself, he is like the Captain of the Titanic his ship is mortally wounded and he is sailing along with it sinking beneath his feet.


Saturday, 18 July 2015

Knife Crime and Gun Crime

A simple car accident leads to another Knife Death, and a few days ago two innocent people were shot, one died and the other seriously injured.
The Roar Party is the only party that will fight back against these people, there is a war being conducted on our streets and it is time we fought back.
The Roar Party will give the People a vote on hanging, there are to many people who murder and are out of prison in a rediculously short time. The headmaster that was stabbed and murdered outside his school is a typical example.
We will also give the people a vote on whether to take these people on, we propose a six month amnesty when guns can be handed in, and after this a six month period of martial law, when anyone found in a public place with an unlicenced firearm will be taken to a place of execution and shot at dawn the next morning, after all if they are carrying guns they are going to use them and it could be you or me, or our children next.
We will also give you a vote on legalising  a lot of  the drug trade and take the power of this away from the criminals and gangs.
Of course as always The Roar Party will take these ideas to The People to vote on, with Reality Politics and real democracy.

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Crime going down, don't make me laugh.

I feel a right idiot. Monday I was going down the A127 slip road from The Halfway House (A 128 ) towards Southend when I was waved down by a guy, who looked like a typical Moustauched Turkish Bond villian, ( this picture isn't him but its the nearest I can find )
standing next to a metallic gold Mk 1 Jaguar ( similar to the one Morse used to drive )
He gave me a sob story about running out of Petrol and needing to get to Luton ( I should have twigged then as he was going in the wrong direction for that ) anyway on surity of a gold necklace he took from around his neck I gave him some money, he then took another necklace from his neck and ask for more, telling me the two necklaces were worth a thousand pounds. He then gave me a busines card from Lica with three English mobile numbers on it, 07794603019, 07904405706, 07425766294, telling me to phone him the next day when he would re-imburse me and get his necklaces back. I gave him my business card as well.

Later that day I started to have doubts and went into the local  Jewellers and ask if it was real gold, of course it wasn't, anyway I waited until the next day and phoned the numbers on the card , the first one the guy cut me off as soon as soon as I explained, the second told me I wasn't speaking English and the third went to answerphone.
I checked on this type of crime on the Internet and found that it had been fairly widespread  in Cambridgshire, and also Surry I found a crime number 45140096483 on the Surrey site that fitted my guys description, with advice that if you were duped in this way to report it.
So I thought I would report it I took the necklaces and business card into Brentwood Police station, the crime occured just a few miles down the road from there. Basically they were completely disinterested and gave me a phone number 101, of their new phone hub Athena, I phoned them and they weren't interested either, telling me to phone Action Fraud in London. I phone them and was told to go Online and report it but the site didn't seem to have a category for this crime so I went Online chat and the chap there wasn't interested either. So I told him I would report it on my blog and on Social media. Basically they don't care, I only thought I would report it locally so that their patrols could keep an open for this particular car.
So you can see why Crime is going down, they are making it so hard to report it that in the end you just give up. But keep your eyes open and be warned. lol.
If you do stop to try and help someone like this take a photo of the person and the car.

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

We are allowing the dog to wag the foxes tail.

The SNP say they are going to vote against fox hunting being allowed again. So 1.3 million Scots are going to be allowed to upset our democracy, while 4 million English people are out in the cold. The Roar Party is the only party that will allow real democracy, with e-voting on important issues. Not only on Fox Hunting, but real issues like Europe, Immigration, Tuition fees, Crime, The NHS, Real Democracy, Benefits.

Tuesday, 7 July 2015

7/7 Ten Years On.

We have had the lip service from the politicians today, but they are ignoring the growing problem of a cancer in our midst, they have allowed millions of immigrants to enter our country with no check on them at all. No health checks, no criminal checks. Half the time they don't know who is in the country or where they are from, we have had several high profile murders in the recent months where convicted criminals from other countries, even murderers are allowed in to murder here. The Number one job of the government is to protect its people, they are completely lacking to do this.
On top of this we have a growing number of Islamist attacks, some of them in the most horrifying manner, the muslims all say that they are rogue or isolated instances but they are growing in number, we had the Home Secretary saying last week that they have  foiled 40 attacks, so don't tell me they are isolated attacks any more, we have hate prechers here that are being supported on benefits by us to preach their hate, 51 mosques are financed and organised by the Wahabi mission from Saudi Arabia, they insist on a literal interpretation of the Koran. This means that they regard us as the enemy and would love to kill and maim  all of us Infidels.
We need to stop all immigration now and see who is in the country and what they are up to,  The Roar Party is the only Party that give you a promise to have a VOTE ON EUROPE, and a vote on IMMIGRATION.

Friday, 26 June 2015


There was a muslim on LBC today that stated, all good muslims should follow the example of Muhammad and kill the infidels..... that's you and me brother !!!!!

On top of that another Muslim stated that 51 mosques in Britain are financed and under the control of Wahhabi organisation from Saudi Arabia they are directly radicalising young Muslims here, we have this cancer growing in our midst. We have been betrayed by our Government allowing these muslims here in such large numbers, whose ideology is to take over Europe.

Monday, 15 June 2015

Magna Carta 800th Anniversary

Today is the 800th Anniversary of The Magna Carta.

In Wikipedia Lord Denning describing it as "the greatest constitutional document of all times – the foundation of the freedom of the individual against the arbitrary authority of the despot".

So how come us, as Individuals were completly ignored when The Despot George Brown signed away our Sovereignty to The EU, a direct contravention of The Magna Carta, without a vote from The People.

And how come  one of The Other Great dictates of The magna Carta that nobody is above the law,  has been broken time and time again by The Paedophiles in The Greatest positions of Power ,  the despots, Edward Heath ( accused by Michael Shrimpton on Youtube of Child Abuse, Torture and Murder of Children bought to him by Jimmy Saville ), Leon Brittan ex Home Secretary ( all the accusations are now pouring out now he is dead ), Lord Jenner (currently escaping the net claiming alzheimers even though he has been signing into The House of Lords  ), members of The Monday Club various MP's of all parties ( Look at the way  The Special Branch waded in to protect Cyril Smith, when Barbera Castle handed documents to the Editor of The Bury messenger ), all the people mentioned on The Guest List at Elm Guest House. In direct contravention of The Magna Carta these people in power have put themselves above the law, being protected by D'Notices, The Secret Services, Special Branch, The Police, The BBC, The General Media, and even our Current Government who have known about these transgressions for years and have been in collusion and cover ups.


Saturday, 13 June 2015

Trooping The Colour.

Trooping The Colour, there would have been a time when I was proud to stand in uniform and be a part of this famous almost Institution. But what postion does The Queen really have now Gordon Brown has signed away our sovereignty, and what is our democracy all about. My faith has been shaken so much over the last few years, first I would love to know what involvement The Queen had in Princess Diana's death, so many unanswered questions there ?  Then there is the fabric of society I grew up in, so many people involved in Child Abuse and the covering up of that by The Government, The Police, The Secret Services, Special Branch. The people I grew up to respect, Jimmy Saville, Rolf Harris, Max Clifford, then there is the cover up of top British politicians, Edward Heath (ex Prime Minister ) accused by Michael Shrimpton of having been supplied by boys from Haut de Garenne by Jimmy Saville and being blackmailed by The Germans over his proclivities, Leon Brittan (  Ex Home Secretary ), various MP's of all parties, members of the elite Monday Club, well you only have to look at The Elm Guest House List.
And now the latest election Cameron with only 36.9% percent of the vote getting  a majority, how is that democracy ?  and the SNP with 4.7% of the vote gets 56 MP's and is wagging the tail of the dog saying they will vote against us leaving Europe. Well I tell you what they can have the 10 - 20 million immigrants in Scotland and then see how they like it.
So what is the answer The Roar Party is the only party that will give you real democracy with e-voting on all important issues.
Lets have a revolt against being run by the small Eton elite and get democracy back to the people.

Thursday, 4 June 2015

How do you get our own Government Investigated at the very highest level

It seems like The FBI are doing a massive International investigation on FIFA. So what do we do as a country when there are massive allegations about Various ministers and MP's who are alleged to have been involved not just in Child Abuse, but Torture and Murder as well. Google... Edward Heath, Jimmy Saville, Haut de Garenne. So we have an ex Prime Minister, Home Secretary, various MP's of all parties, members of the renowned Monday Club, Entertainers, Members of the Judiciary, all alleged to have been involved in this. D Notices, The Secret Service, Special Branch are also accused of colluding, covering up and protecting these people. So is it any surprise that various inquiries are continuing to white wash what has been happening. So do we need to appeal to the FBI to investigate these accusations, they are doing a great international job of Investigating FIFA. The thing is how do we get action when our own Government is so heavily involved in covering all this up, they don't want to get to the truth because it will bring down The Government. How do you get our own Government to the very highest level investigated. ?

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Sepp Blatter vs David Cameron further update.

I can't believe what I have just read, this is a quote from David Cameron :-

Speaking in Berlin, Mr Cameron said: "You cannot have accusations of corruption at this level and on this scale in this organisation and pretend that the person currently leading it is the right person to take it forward.
"That cannot be the case. Frankly, what we've seen is the ugly side of the beautiful game and he should go.
"And the sooner that happens the better - the faster that organisation can start to rebuild its credibility, which is going to be so important because so many people around the world want to see this game properly managed, properly looked after, so we can all enjoy the World Cups of the future."

Well Mr Cameron you are the person leading an organisation that has been covering up Historic Child Abuse on a huge scale  with D Notices and the collusion of The Secret Service, Special Branch and The Police, you have seen the ugly side of The Elite Westminster  Paedophile Rings and you should go...

"And the sooner that happens the better - the faster that organisation can start to rebuild its credibility, which is going to be so important because so many people around the world want to see this cleaned up, properly managed, properly looked after, so we can all enjoy the Politics of the future."

Sepp Blatter v's David Cameron update

Sepp Blatter resigns because he hasn't the confidence from The Footballing World.
Well... David Cameron you only had 36.9% of the vote, you havn't got the confidence of The British People..... time to resign

Sepp Blatter resigns, now its David Camerons turn.

On Monday we compared Sepp Blatter with David Cameron both at the top of a mountain of corruption. Sepp Blatter has had the decency to resign. Now its David Cameron's turn, sitting at the top of The Conservative Party one of the most corrupt political parties in The World, decades of covering up the most heinious crimes of Child Abuse, Torture and Murder with D'Notices, and the collusion of The Secret Services, Special Branch and The Police. To be true its not just The Conservative Party, but all The English Political Parties, they have all colluded in The Child Abuse Cover Up, and it continues Lord Jenner currently claiming Dementia to escape investigation but continues in his  duties at The Lords, how can he do this while claiming tp have Dementia.
Not only this corruption but David Cameron has completely failed in his promises to keep immigration to the tens of thousands, the latest figures at 318,000 this should be enough for a resignation. The very thing they should have as their priority to protect their people, they are failing in miserably.
Of course he failed in his biggest promise before the last election to give us a vote on Europe, even now only promising a vote in two years, WE WANT A VOTE NOW !!!!!!!

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Jeremy Hunt obviously read our blog on the 9th February 2015

It contained this paragraph :-

The Roar Party has already laid out that we will peg all public employees to The Prime Ministers salary, after all why should someone running a public authority earn more than the Prime Minister who is running The Country, especially when those down the chain are being treated so badly.

Read the rest of our blog Jeremy we have some other great ideas !

Monday, 1 June 2015

Sepp Blatter versus David Cameron

Sepp Blatter v David Cameron.

Sepp Blatter gets re-elected to FIFA President after 14 members of his executive committee are arrested on Corruption Charges. Then gets re-elected with 133 votes against Prince Ali's 73. Surely the guy should resign just from the normal conventions of common responsibility and decency, he is the man in charge and there is all this corruption going on directly under him on his watch.

How does this align with David Cameron well.... David Cameron heads a party that has been associated with Child abuse, Torture and Murder, from The very highest level, Michael Shrimpton alleges Edward Heath was involved in Child Abuse, Murder and Torture... just google... Edward Heath, Jimmy Saville and Haut de Garenne. Then there was Leon Brittan luckily for David Cameron dying just when the heat was coming on about his involvement with Child Abuse and losing the files on Child Abuse that were handed to him by MP Geoffrey Dickens. Then there were all the members of The Monday Club that are mentioned in The Guest list at Elm Guest House. All these Westminster Elite Paedophile rings have been protected by D Notices, The Special Branch and The Secret Service. All news about this has covered up for years but now the news is breaking all over The Internet and Social Media.
Then there is the recent election what an unfair system where the Scots get 56 MPs elected from 1.4 million votes, UKIP get 1 MP from 3.8 million votes and the DUP get 8 seats from only 184,260.
Of course David Cameron is happy with this result that gave him a majority but there is a huge swath of the electorate that feels disenfranchised and disillusioned. So how come David Cameron gets re-elected on top a huge abuse scandal that is breaking all over the internet like a tsunami and on top of a broken electoral system. #cameromnmustgo

The Roar Party has the answers to the broken electoral system and will give real democracy to The People with e-voting on all important issues. Reality Politics will RULE.

The People, are our Nations Rightful Rulers, People own the freedoms and liberties that our ancestors died for and passed on to us through The Magna Carta, now we must be ready to fight so that we can pass them on intact to our children and our children's children.

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Human Rights Act

So David Cameron has done a U-Turn on the Human Rights Act and is leaving it out of the Queens Speech today, how much longer before he reneges on his promise to give us a vote on Europe, just like after the last election. Personally I reckon he will resign before he gives uis a vote on Europe, he lied to us before the last election and this time he will sidestep the issue, although the next Prime Minister Bojo  assured me on LBC that he will give us a vote on Europe when he is Prime  Minister.

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Illegal Immigration

I have seen an article from am immigration lawyer. This paragraph really caught my eye.

Banks will be required to check bank accounts against a database of people in the UK illegally, yet a further instance of the Home Office outsourcing immigration control by placing the burden on the private sector.

Why rely on the banks, The Home Office has a list of immigrants that have overstayed their visa. I know of one person on an overstayed visa that is working with a National Insurance Number , and has even had 3 National Health stays in the last two years. The Department of Works and Pensions issues National Insurance Numbers, surely its not to hard for these two departments to syncronise their data banks and identify, the illegal immigrants that have overstayed their visas.


Monday, 16 March 2015

Who are Britains indigenous people ?.

 For some time LBC has been arguing that we have no indigenous people and that we all are the product of immigration through the ages, personally I havn't believed this the last four generations of my family have fought for this country and in my lifetime I have seen the massive immigration take effect. Then I came across this article by "Robin Johnson" posted on Facebook and I think it encapsulates what has happened to this country in my lifetime.

Article by Robin Johnson

For years the British public has been force fed the myth that immigration is a cultural and economic benefit, and this may well be the case with managed immigration when skilled and educated migrants fill job vacancies, and while retaining recognition of their own heritage, integrate with the host society. But this has NOT been the case with the uncontrolled, mass immigration of the past 20 years.

The major difference between America, which has thrived on immigration, and the UK which is in danger of being destroyed by it, is that migrants to the US have pursued “the American dream” while those coming to the UK have been fed the myth of multiculturalism encouraging them to believe they can enjoy all the advantages of living in an advanced, Western democratic, welfare state, while retaining unchanged and unchallenged the customs, culture and allegiances of the countries they've left.

Those who have gone to America have been obliged to adopt a culture of self-dependency which views welfare, except in extreme cases, as fundamentally detrimental to the US work ethic with social services like medical care the responsibility of the individual not the state.

Hardly surprising therefore the UK tends to attract a different sort of immigrant. For those from third world countries, free education, the NHS, social housing, child benefits and all the other welfare entitlements available in the UK must seem like heaven. To achieve the American dream immigrants had to work for it.

For those coming to the UK it is delivered gift wrapped. Beveridge's “cradle to the grave” welfarism, designed for the indigenous UK population, is now available for anyone who can make it to these shores.

Encouraged by the flawed myth of multiculturalism many immigrants groups have been encouraged to develop separate ghetto societies outside and often antagonistic towards the mainstream culture. Those on the liberal-left in their efforts to produce a cultural revolution in the UK similar to that pursued by the Red Guards in China, their stated aim was to destroy what they described as the “four olds” – old customs, culture, habits and ideas - have deliberately sidelined and denigrated the host culture in order to accommodate those of immigrants. And without any mandate or consensus from the majority population they will achieve this now through the significantly higher immigrant birth rates that already account for a quarter of the current UK population growth.

But at what price?
Government social surveys on everything from use of the NHS to prison
populations and gun, knife and sex crime statistics – particularly
in London - show immigration has in fact contributed to a net
increase in crime, unemployment, disease, ignorance (in educational
terms) and poverty. And that unfortunately is no myth.
The disastrous results of the Red Guards' revolution in China could always be
corrected as they only affected the indigenous population. Not so the
far greater changes Britain is already experiencing and will
increasingly experience in the years ahead.
The other dishonest myth that that has been used to justify this “revolution” is that throughout its history Britain has continually accommodated waves of
new immigrants. This is yet another lie by the liberal-left. In
fact apart from the early movement of (mainly Anglo-Saxon) European
tribes which affected the whole continent in the early centuries of
the first millennium, plus the arrival of some 300,000 Huguenots
from France at the turn of the 17th. and 18th. Centuries, and a similar number of Jews, mainly from Russia, at the start of the 19th. , the demographic record attests that
since the Norman invasion the population of the British Isles
remained virtually settled and ethnically unchanged for almost a
1,000 years until the arrival of the Empire Windrush in 1948.
What remained true for centuries if not millennia has been overturned in decades, and it will have been brought about by the arrogant, myopic, self-deluded fantasies of those on the liberal-left whose Alice in Wonderland politics appear to be based solely on a masochistic,
self-flagellating, liberal guilt over the perceived evils of Britain's colonial past and the supposed racism on which it was allegedly based.
It must surely rate as the biggest peacetime betrayal any indigenous population of any country in modern history. Tony Blair was at the centre of this betrayal. 

Posted by  kind permission of Robin Johnson.

At The Roar Party we believe we should stop all immigration until we sort out just who is in our Country. We especially believe that we should stop all Muslim Immigration. But as with all Roar Party policies these ideas will be put to a vote from the people, we want real democarcy with Reality Politics, the people voting on all important issues.

Friday, 6 March 2015

Would you like to see less Road Deaths ?

Year Pedestrian Pedal Cyclist Motorcyclist rider/passenger Car Occupant Other road user All Road User Groups
 2013             398               109                 331                        785                  90             1713

These are the figures for Road Deaths in 2013.

These deaths affect so many people, families and  friends and its not just the shock of the knock at the door, the effects go on for years, my own daughters best friend lost her Dad when they were in Primary school, my daughter is still   affected 25 years later.
The Roar Party has some revolutionary ideas for trying to cut down these figures, they would like to see Sat/Nav cruise controls installed in every car and commercial vehicle  so that the vehicles are limited to the speed limit zone they are in. The effect of this would be that cars would cruise at similar speeds to each other there would be no more cars, vans or lorries roaring up behind you at over the limit speeds. We have all been cruising down the motor way at speeds near the limit and an audi goes by at the speed of light. School zones would be safer with cars limited in the zone to 20 mph. The variably speed limits would be automatically adjusted, so that in areas where there had been an accident, workers in the road, fog, it will be safer for everyone. To make up for this the current speed limits would be increased slightly, and  the no limit speed would be increased to 80 mph. Maybe for a trial time the motorway limits would be abolished between 01.00 and 05.00. In an area where a fatality had occured there would be a black marker erected and the speed limit in that area would be reduced by ten mile an hour,  a notification of this would flash up on the sat/nav display which would also show the speed limit of the area you were in.

Pedestrians and cyclists would have to be more responsible with school training from the police, so that from a young age pedestrians and cyclists would have a clearer idea of their responsibilites. At the moment there seems to be to much emphasis on the car driver being at fault.

Manufacturers of outerwear clothing would be encouraged to incorporate reflective or led lights around the waist or hems. This means that in our dark winter nights the dark clothing worn by a lot of pedestrians would be a lot more visible.

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Stop all Immigration now.

Would you like a vote on stopping immigration for a while until we can sort out who exactly is here.
The Roar Party is the only party that will promise to give you a vote on Europe, and then on Immigration, we will then give you a vote on sending European Immigrants home. The Main vote on Europe will be decided by people with British Passports voting.

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Sir Malcolm Rifkind

Sir Malcom Rifkind steps down after an undercover sting. After suggestions he might take £5,000.00 for half days work doing presentations in the middle East. So the man has principles and has resigned.
How come then that Tony Blair, George Brown, David Cameron who have all conspired to carry on the cover up over The Elite Westminster Paedophile group, who have been alleged to Abuse, Torture and even Murder children haven't the same principles.
Michael Shrimpton alleges on You Tube that Jimmy Saville was procuring children for Edward Heath to Abuse and Murder on his yacht Morning Sickness ( The name apparently given to the boat by the Special Patrol Group that were his bodyguards), on top of this he alleges that The Germans knew about this and blackmailed him to join The EU on their terms. Leon Brittan since his death has been linked since his death to the notorious paedophile parties at Elm Guest House along with MP's,  members of The Monday Club, Entertainers, and a host of other top people.
So we have a Prime Minister, Home Secretary, MP's of all parties not only known to successive Prime Ministers but an actual cover up that  has been going on for years and they don't resign on a matter of principle now that they have been found out. This cover up assited by The Security Services and The Police.
So Sir Malcolm Rifikind resigned over being offered a few thousand pounds,  but all these others have kept their jobs after it all comes out that they have been covering up, Abuse, Torture and Murder, where are their consciencess ?.

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Gross inequality in Britain.

    I heard an Estate Agent on LBC today say that one of his clients had a property portfolio of 1,000 homes. Average house price in London is £524,000 so their property is worth 524 million. That started me thinking about the inequality in England. There are thousands of young people who can't get started on the property ladder because the prices in relation to wages have soared. Then I started to think of some peoples wealth.
    According to Management Today, The Wealthiest 1,000 Britons own a third of the nations wealth.
    The Queen comes in at around 500 million
    The Duke of Westminster comes in around 8 billion and owns 190 acres in Belgravia.
    Tony Blair maybe around 70 million (not bad for a former Labour Prime Minister )
    David Cameron is only worth around 4 million, but his cabinet combined is estimated at around 70 million.
    Our GDP is 1,744 trillion divided by a population of 70 million is roughly £25,000.00 each.
    Where am I going with this ?
    There are 1 million people in this country relying on food banks. An old age pensioner dies every 7 minutes because they can't afford to heat their homes. I know of one 70 year old who has the state pension of £123.45 a week and his rent to start with is £133.00 plus council tax, television licence, electricity, water, insurance, adds another £50.00 to this, so every week he is - £60.00, this is without food and fun, if he can have any at all ?
So going back it seems that there is gross inequality in Britain, what can we do about it ?
Do we need a revolution ?
Do we need to restrict our housing stock to residents only like some countries ?
Do we need a fairer distribution of wealth ?
Do we need to restrict companies operating in England to English ownership so that these huge multinationals can't shift the tax they should be paying to other countries ?
Do we need to come out of Europe and ask the spongers that come here for benefits to go home ?

Would you like a vote on any or all of these ? The Roar Party is The Only Party that will give you a vote on all important issues. We will put high speed Internet into every home, we will re-engage people in Politics by letting them have E-voting on important issues. After all the people turned out in large numbers when they actually had a vote in The Scottish referendum.

Monday, 16 February 2015

Stop all Muslim Immigration !!!

I know I  keep banging on about this subject but I have seen three photos this morning which have really made me think.


You see the cultures of the these Muslims are so different to our own, do we really want to allow people in our country that are actually pushing for Sharia Law, last week I  walked by a Sharia Law Centre in Leyton . Whats going on here ?

And now we have The Rotherham scandal 1400 of our children abused by Muslim Pakistani gangs, and apperently this is the tip of the Iceberg it has happened in scores of towns across England. These people and their families seriously need to be deported. We need to pull out of the European Human Rights agreement and get rid of these people, the lawyers that have earned millions off the back of this act should be made top repay their wicked earnings, including the traitorous Blair families earnings off the back of this.

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

There is a hole in Democracy.

Harriet Harman quoted this morning "There is a hole in Democracy", to right Harriet, not only a hole but we don't have real Democracy. The Roar Party has the answer to this we will give The People Real Democracy with "Reality Politics", we will give The Electorate votes on all important issues. The Scottish Referendum proved that people will come out in large numbers when they have a real issue that they can actually vote on, rather than voting for a politician who lies about what he is going to do after The Election. Take, Gordon Brown, Tony Blair and David Cameron who all lied to us that they were going to give us a vote on Europe (one of the most important issues at the moment , next to Immigration ), then when they were elected went back on their promises. "Reality Politics" will give The Electorate a real chance of proper democracy by giving them a vote on all important issues, Party Politics will not be so important because The People will get a final vote on all issues. We want a Revolution as Big as the One Oliver Cromwell started.
The Roar Party stands for Referendums and Reform we can change the democracy in England.


Monday, 9 February 2015

Working Conditions.

We are in 2015 and for some we could be back in the 19th Century with Zero hours contracts 12 hour working days, how can you expect the best from your employees when you expect them to work a 12 hour day, everybody needs a life !
Recently one of my acquaintances started work for Google . Ok they are a rich company but there are a lot of Rich Companies out there today, he said about Google (My journey into Cyberspace from Mensa World Journal ), the company is filled with geniuses and run by geniuses. Every aspect of the work life is directed at making work wonderful for the employees. Free breakfast, luch and dinner. Massages. Work spaces have bean bags, couches and nerf guns. Really excellent salaries, stock plans, health insurance, life insurance, retirement saving plans and so on. Now in 2015 when computing has taken over many of the menial work and companies are making bigger profits shouldn't more companies be offering better working conditions, better salaries.
Even in the early 20th Century , The Cadburys ( of chocolate fame ) were particularly concerned with the health and fitness of their workforce, incorporating park and recreation areas into their Bournville village plans and encouraging swimming, walking and indeed all forms of outdoor sports. In the early 1920s, extensive open lands were purchased at Rowheath and laid to football and hockey pitches together with a grassed running track. Rowheath Pavilion was designed and built in accordance with the instructions of George Cadbury and opened in July 1924. At that time, it served as the clubhouse and changing rooms for the acres of sports playing fields, several bowling greens, a fishing lake and an outdoor swimming lido, a natural mineral spring forming the source for the lido's healthy waters. The Rowheath Pavilion itself, which still exists, was used for balls and dinners and the whole area was specifically for the benefit of the Cadbury workers and their families with no charges for the use of any of the sporting facilities by Cadbury employees or their families.
So in 2015 when Britain is the 11th Richest country in the world are we treating our workforces so badly with low wages, horrendous working conditions ( who amongst you wants to work 12 hour shifts ) . Why have we a million people relying on Food Banks. Why are we treating our old age pensioners so badly that 25,000 may die of cold this winter 206 deaths a day, 3.5 million fear they may not be able to afford to heat their homes this winter (according to The Daily Express ).

The gap between The Rich and The Poor in Britain is growing every day, we need to equalise this.
The Roar Party has already laid out that we will peg all public employees to The Prime Ministers salary, after all why should someone running a public authority earn more than the Prime Minister who is running The Country, especially when those down the chain are being treated so badly.
We should peg peoples hours to a 35 hour week and raise the minimum wage for employees of large companies, they are ripping the people of Britain off, we should have a system like Switzerland where companies operating here have to 65% British owned and no more Multinationals allowed to escape paying tax here on their profits.

The Roar Party will give you a vote on this and all important issues.

Saturday, 7 February 2015

Would you like a vote on Immigration ?

Would you like a vote on stopping Immigration until we get sorted out who exactly is in the Country ? sent me an e-mail this week saying they have an extra 21 million new records, is this the actual number of new immigrants into this country. In an infrastructure built for 60 million we now have how many? 70 million, 80 million, the Government seem unable to us The Truth, this is one aspect they are very good at NOT telling us The Truth.  Would you like to see Muslim Immigration stopped completely ? The Roar Party will give you a vote on Europe and Immigration and all important issues, and on The Europe and Immigration questions we will specify that only English passport holders will be able to vote, because at the moment people from 28 countries are allowed to vote in our Elections, how disgusting is this ?

Friday, 6 February 2015

Do you really want a vote on Europe ?

The Roar Party is the only party that will unequivocally promise to give you a vote on Europe. We will make sure every home has a high speed Internet connection so that people may have e-voting on all important issues. Real democracy instead of broken promises. Reality Politics will RULE !!!!

Thursday, 5 February 2015

What do you want from a Political Party ?

Do you want a party that cares for you wants to do the best for you. Won't lie to you ?

Monday, 2 February 2015

Magna Carta

So the Magna Carta #magnacarta is 800 years old promising no one is above The Law so how come , ex Prime Ministers, Ex Home Secretaries, MP's, MI5 members, CID officers, Special Branch officers and other various VIP's have escaped justice over Child Abuse, Murders, Torture. Special Branch have even  been actively protecting these people.

Exaro news headlines quote "Police privately  admit 'cover up' for paedophile MP's and VIP's".

So why after 800 years has one of the most important parts of The Magna Carta been abandoned
in the last 40 years ?

No wonder The Government don't want the inquiry into child abuse to get under way because the backlash will be even worse than "The Expenses Scandel".   Every party has been privy to this cover up for the last 40 years and how are they going to explain this. What happens when The Government are brought down, and it involves all parties, Conservatives, Labour and Liberal even The Scottish Nationals have been alledged to be involved.

Even Royalty now are featuring in escaping "The Law"

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Magna Carta #magnacarta

There are two memorable anniversaries this the first Magna Carta is 800 years old this year. This made all people equal before the law, we need to get rid of The European Human Rights and return more to the rights outlined in The Magna Carta. How would this affect us ? At the moment we have all sorts of people flooding into Britain, Murderers, Rapists Thiefs, Beggars and when they re offend here and are jailed they should be deported at the end of their sentence, but what happens is they quote their human rights and are allowed to stay here. What about our Human Rights  ?
As to all people being equal before the law, how comes MP's of all colours even Royalty who have been commiting Child Abuse, are given protection from, The Special Branch, Secret Services, and The Police ?

The second anniversary today its National Holocaust Day it's 70 years since Auschwitz was liberated, so in my lifetime The Germans were committing the most atrocious atrocities. So are you really happy about being ruled by them now ? We need to get out of Europe NOW !!!!!

There is only one party that will promise A Vote on Europe unconditionally, not only this but we will give you a vote on all important issues. The Roar Pary (stands for referendum and reform ), we will give you real democracy with Reality politics.

Monday, 26 January 2015

The Dam has broken over Child Abuse.

The Dam has Broken over Child Abuse and will the tsunami its released  sweep away The Government, and not just The Conservatives but all the political parties that have been instrumental in this cover up.  Leon Brittans death has triggered multiple allegations of his sexually  abusing boys.
Why has this cover up been going on for so long. Why did The Special Branch heavy mob threaten Mr Hale, The Bury Messenger editor with prison if he didn't hand over The Paedophile Dossier given to him by Barbara Castle. Why was The ex Minister of Health for Jersey imprisoned twice in Jersey when he was investigating child abuse in Jersey and threatening to expose it. Why did Chris Fay have a gun held to his head by Special Branch and told to back away from allegations surrounding The Elm Guest House in Barnes.  Why did The Special Branch Boat Patrol nickname Edward Heaths Boat "Morning Cloud" , "Morning Sickness ", was it because Michael Shrimptons allegations that Jimmy Saville was taking children onto The Boat, to be abused and mudered were true.

This has now gone beyond Child Abuse and now there is evidence of Torture and Murder.

There are so many people involved in this when will they start telling "The Truth"


Mr Cameron and Mrs May there are questions to be answered, and how much longer can  you not comment on any of this.

Saturday, 17 January 2015


The housing in London should be for English Residents, surely we haven't spent 60 years rebuilding our Capital after it was ravaged by The Germans to give it away to foreign nationals, we should be like Switzerland who only grant 1400 residency permits a year or Thailand or Philippines where only their residents can buy property. I don't get it where the government are encouraging foreign nationals  to buy our housing stock at inflated prices, pushing our own residents out of London. London should be for Londoners, The Roar Party will stop this ( after a reality political vote ) and only allow our nationals to buy English Property. We will give the foreign  nationals 2 years to liquify their assets, we want to take back London, and also property all over England.
We will go further than this with Companies,  there are to many companies operating in England who through dodgy tax dealings are not paying their full amount of tax, so companies will only allow to operate in England with a 65% ownership by British Nationals.
We will allow the electorate to vote on these proposals with Reality Politics, democarcy for The People. E-votoing on all important issues.

Thursday, 15 January 2015

The Most Important Meeting in Parliament this century !!!

I was privilaged to attend a meeting yesterday titled "CSA Inquiry Time 4 Justice & Action Meeting".  I think 250 to 300 people crammed into the largest Committee room in The House of Commons to hear a variety of people talk about Child Abuse and Sexual Abuse, Murder and Torture of Children mainly Children in care, although there have been reports recently of Children being abducted and treated likewise. The shear scale of this abuse is overwhelming. A variety of victims stood and addressed the meeting, it is very emotional to hear these people talk openly about their abuse, not an easy thing to do in front of such a large meeting. One man who had bottled his abuse up for 35 years before having the courage to even admit it happened. Another an ex-minister of Jersey's Parliament who had stood by his convictions, and tried to bring this into the open, needless to say he has lost his job and suffered two spells in jail for Contempt. I was there because I have been following some posts from Bill Maloney and his Piemash Films, he made his feelings felt at the meeting and is it any surprise because I feel the pain that is in him.   Bill remember everyone that was there is on  your side.
I was surprised that none of the leaders of the parties showed their face in the meeting or even Theresa May but when I thought about it, and this is the reason for my title "The Most Important Meeting in Parliament this century !!!" because when this breaks out and it's happening all over the web.
Just look at the following, :- Google :- Edward Heath, Jimmy S aville, Haut de Garenne ( The childrens home on Jersey ) or Google:- Leon Brittan, Elm Guest House.
When people find out that allegedly Prime Ministers themselves, Home Secretaries, Members of The Monday Club, MP's of all parties, A former Spy, Diplomats, A Sinn Fein politician, Top entertainers, Former Deputy Chairman of The Conservative Party, have been guilty of these abuses, torture and murder.
So why my title because when this breaks out to the general public, and it won't be long because it is like a tsunami on the web, I can't see it doing any less than bringing down the goverment.
And Nigel Farage if you want to be  "The Next Prime Minister" copy our main political idea (Reality Politics) and promise people e-voting on important issues. We have had enough of people promising much before they are elected then back tracking when they get in power. Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, David Cameron all lied to us about a vote on Europe. So lets have e-voting on this and all important issues, lets change Parliament into a debating chamber and let the people decide on all important issues, lets have real democracy. We are ready for a revolution, we have been lied to for to long.

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Milk Prices

As well as The Polish coming over and taking our jobs, they are now sending cheap Milk that could put our Dairy Farmers out of business. The sooner we are out of Europe the better, The Government decimated our British Pig Farmers, now they are going to do the same to The British Dairy Farmers.
The Roar Party will give you a vote on Europe, as well as other important issues, they are the only party that will give you real democracy.

Wednesday, 7 January 2015


While you murder my brother !

Saturday, 3 January 2015

Brentwood gets caned.

Brentwood got caned over Christmas, I have never heard so many reports of burgleries in such a short time. The Government tell us crime is going down, Oh Yea ! yet more lies. What is the Governments answer to this, cut back on Police, close more Police stations, with an infrastructure built for 60 million people and now bulging at the seams with 80 million people here. They are failing in their number one priority protecting their people. I think this was shown up dramatically in the Lee Rigby enquiry recently when The Secret Services phone Romford Police to have Adebolajo picked up, and they ask why, pick him up on drug charges, Romford Police answered that they would put him on the end of the list of drug dealers that thay had to deal with. We all know what happened next !!!
Crime is out of control, there are immigrants coming into the country with the most horrendous criminal records ranging from Murder downwards,  we demand the Government do their number one priority and start to protect their citizens. #cameronmustgo

High Speed Internet

Vince Cable was on the news this morning saying there are people still not conected. The Roar Party will connect all homes in Britain with "High Speed Internet" we need to get into the 21st Century, we are way behind some other countries with Internet speed. The Roar Party will utilise this to have e-voting on all important issues. We will get back to the principles of real Democracy with "Reality Politics" for the people. We have had enough of lying Politicians saying one thing before they get elected then just ignoring us when they get in power, like the liars, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, David Cameron. We will give you a vote on Europpe and then give you a vote on sending the European Immigrants home. #cameronmustgo

Friday, 2 January 2015

Yet more child abuse.

This time from an immigrant Doctor and The Church of England. We need to up the percentage of English Doctors practising  in England, the problem is that when people come here they are coming from cultures and practises that are so different from ours. If you can read this girls story without shedding a tear I would be very surprised. Yet another children's home where we need to track and trace every child that attended here, and listen to them !. The Government have been ignoring this for to long. Hardly surprising when there are accusations against Prime Ministers, Home Secretaries, MP's,  The Police, MI5, Secret Services of one sort or another.

Read Teresa Coopers story and you will join  in the clamour for these children to be heard.