Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Sir Malcolm Rifkind

Sir Malcom Rifkind steps down after an undercover sting. After suggestions he might take £5,000.00 for half days work doing presentations in the middle East. So the man has principles and has resigned.
How come then that Tony Blair, George Brown, David Cameron who have all conspired to carry on the cover up over The Elite Westminster Paedophile group, who have been alleged to Abuse, Torture and even Murder children haven't the same principles.
Michael Shrimpton alleges on You Tube that Jimmy Saville was procuring children for Edward Heath to Abuse and Murder on his yacht Morning Sickness ( The name apparently given to the boat by the Special Patrol Group that were his bodyguards), on top of this he alleges that The Germans knew about this and blackmailed him to join The EU on their terms. Leon Brittan since his death has been linked since his death to the notorious paedophile parties at Elm Guest House along with MP's,  members of The Monday Club, Entertainers, and a host of other top people.
So we have a Prime Minister, Home Secretary, MP's of all parties not only known to successive Prime Ministers but an actual cover up that  has been going on for years and they don't resign on a matter of principle now that they have been found out. This cover up assited by The Security Services and The Police.
So Sir Malcolm Rifikind resigned over being offered a few thousand pounds,  but all these others have kept their jobs after it all comes out that they have been covering up, Abuse, Torture and Murder, where are their consciencess ?.

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Gross inequality in Britain.

    I heard an Estate Agent on LBC today say that one of his clients had a property portfolio of 1,000 homes. Average house price in London is £524,000 so their property is worth 524 million. That started me thinking about the inequality in England. There are thousands of young people who can't get started on the property ladder because the prices in relation to wages have soared. Then I started to think of some peoples wealth.
    According to Management Today, The Wealthiest 1,000 Britons own a third of the nations wealth.
    The Queen comes in at around 500 million
    The Duke of Westminster comes in around 8 billion and owns 190 acres in Belgravia.
    Tony Blair maybe around 70 million (not bad for a former Labour Prime Minister )
    David Cameron is only worth around 4 million, but his cabinet combined is estimated at around 70 million.
    Our GDP is 1,744 trillion divided by a population of 70 million is roughly £25,000.00 each.
    Where am I going with this ?
    There are 1 million people in this country relying on food banks. An old age pensioner dies every 7 minutes because they can't afford to heat their homes. I know of one 70 year old who has the state pension of £123.45 a week and his rent to start with is £133.00 plus council tax, television licence, electricity, water, insurance, adds another £50.00 to this, so every week he is - £60.00, this is without food and fun, if he can have any at all ?
So going back it seems that there is gross inequality in Britain, what can we do about it ?
Do we need a revolution ?
Do we need to restrict our housing stock to residents only like some countries ?
Do we need a fairer distribution of wealth ?
Do we need to restrict companies operating in England to English ownership so that these huge multinationals can't shift the tax they should be paying to other countries ?
Do we need to come out of Europe and ask the spongers that come here for benefits to go home ?

Would you like a vote on any or all of these ? The Roar Party is The Only Party that will give you a vote on all important issues. We will put high speed Internet into every home, we will re-engage people in Politics by letting them have E-voting on important issues. After all the people turned out in large numbers when they actually had a vote in The Scottish referendum.

Monday, 16 February 2015

Stop all Muslim Immigration !!!

I know I  keep banging on about this subject but I have seen three photos this morning which have really made me think.


You see the cultures of the these Muslims are so different to our own, do we really want to allow people in our country that are actually pushing for Sharia Law, last week I  walked by a Sharia Law Centre in Leyton . Whats going on here ?

And now we have The Rotherham scandal 1400 of our children abused by Muslim Pakistani gangs, and apperently this is the tip of the Iceberg it has happened in scores of towns across England. These people and their families seriously need to be deported. We need to pull out of the European Human Rights agreement and get rid of these people, the lawyers that have earned millions off the back of this act should be made top repay their wicked earnings, including the traitorous Blair families earnings off the back of this.

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

There is a hole in Democracy.

Harriet Harman quoted this morning "There is a hole in Democracy", to right Harriet, not only a hole but we don't have real Democracy. The Roar Party has the answer to this we will give The People Real Democracy with "Reality Politics", we will give The Electorate votes on all important issues. The Scottish Referendum proved that people will come out in large numbers when they have a real issue that they can actually vote on, rather than voting for a politician who lies about what he is going to do after The Election. Take, Gordon Brown, Tony Blair and David Cameron who all lied to us that they were going to give us a vote on Europe (one of the most important issues at the moment , next to Immigration ), then when they were elected went back on their promises. "Reality Politics" will give The Electorate a real chance of proper democracy by giving them a vote on all important issues, Party Politics will not be so important because The People will get a final vote on all issues. We want a Revolution as Big as the One Oliver Cromwell started.
The Roar Party stands for Referendums and Reform we can change the democracy in England.


Monday, 9 February 2015

Working Conditions.

We are in 2015 and for some we could be back in the 19th Century with Zero hours contracts 12 hour working days, how can you expect the best from your employees when you expect them to work a 12 hour day, everybody needs a life !
Recently one of my acquaintances started work for Google . Ok they are a rich company but there are a lot of Rich Companies out there today, he said about Google (My journey into Cyberspace from Mensa World Journal ), the company is filled with geniuses and run by geniuses. Every aspect of the work life is directed at making work wonderful for the employees. Free breakfast, luch and dinner. Massages. Work spaces have bean bags, couches and nerf guns. Really excellent salaries, stock plans, health insurance, life insurance, retirement saving plans and so on. Now in 2015 when computing has taken over many of the menial work and companies are making bigger profits shouldn't more companies be offering better working conditions, better salaries.
Even in the early 20th Century , The Cadburys ( of chocolate fame ) were particularly concerned with the health and fitness of their workforce, incorporating park and recreation areas into their Bournville village plans and encouraging swimming, walking and indeed all forms of outdoor sports. In the early 1920s, extensive open lands were purchased at Rowheath and laid to football and hockey pitches together with a grassed running track. Rowheath Pavilion was designed and built in accordance with the instructions of George Cadbury and opened in July 1924. At that time, it served as the clubhouse and changing rooms for the acres of sports playing fields, several bowling greens, a fishing lake and an outdoor swimming lido, a natural mineral spring forming the source for the lido's healthy waters. The Rowheath Pavilion itself, which still exists, was used for balls and dinners and the whole area was specifically for the benefit of the Cadbury workers and their families with no charges for the use of any of the sporting facilities by Cadbury employees or their families.
So in 2015 when Britain is the 11th Richest country in the world are we treating our workforces so badly with low wages, horrendous working conditions ( who amongst you wants to work 12 hour shifts ) . Why have we a million people relying on Food Banks. Why are we treating our old age pensioners so badly that 25,000 may die of cold this winter 206 deaths a day, 3.5 million fear they may not be able to afford to heat their homes this winter (according to The Daily Express ).

The gap between The Rich and The Poor in Britain is growing every day, we need to equalise this.
The Roar Party has already laid out that we will peg all public employees to The Prime Ministers salary, after all why should someone running a public authority earn more than the Prime Minister who is running The Country, especially when those down the chain are being treated so badly.
We should peg peoples hours to a 35 hour week and raise the minimum wage for employees of large companies, they are ripping the people of Britain off, we should have a system like Switzerland where companies operating here have to 65% British owned and no more Multinationals allowed to escape paying tax here on their profits.

The Roar Party will give you a vote on this and all important issues.

Saturday, 7 February 2015

Would you like a vote on Immigration ?

Would you like a vote on stopping Immigration until we get sorted out who exactly is in the Country ? sent me an e-mail this week saying they have an extra 21 million new records, is this the actual number of new immigrants into this country. In an infrastructure built for 60 million we now have how many? 70 million, 80 million, the Government seem unable to us The Truth, this is one aspect they are very good at NOT telling us The Truth.  Would you like to see Muslim Immigration stopped completely ? The Roar Party will give you a vote on Europe and Immigration and all important issues, and on The Europe and Immigration questions we will specify that only English passport holders will be able to vote, because at the moment people from 28 countries are allowed to vote in our Elections, how disgusting is this ?

Friday, 6 February 2015

Do you really want a vote on Europe ?

The Roar Party is the only party that will unequivocally promise to give you a vote on Europe. We will make sure every home has a high speed Internet connection so that people may have e-voting on all important issues. Real democracy instead of broken promises. Reality Politics will RULE !!!!

Thursday, 5 February 2015

What do you want from a Political Party ?

Do you want a party that cares for you wants to do the best for you. Won't lie to you ?

Monday, 2 February 2015

Magna Carta

So the Magna Carta #magnacarta is 800 years old promising no one is above The Law so how come , ex Prime Ministers, Ex Home Secretaries, MP's, MI5 members, CID officers, Special Branch officers and other various VIP's have escaped justice over Child Abuse, Murders, Torture. Special Branch have even  been actively protecting these people.

Exaro news headlines quote "Police privately  admit 'cover up' for paedophile MP's and VIP's".

So why after 800 years has one of the most important parts of The Magna Carta been abandoned
in the last 40 years ?

No wonder The Government don't want the inquiry into child abuse to get under way because the backlash will be even worse than "The Expenses Scandel".   Every party has been privy to this cover up for the last 40 years and how are they going to explain this. What happens when The Government are brought down, and it involves all parties, Conservatives, Labour and Liberal even The Scottish Nationals have been alledged to be involved.

Even Royalty now are featuring in escaping "The Law"