Friday, 26 June 2015


There was a muslim on LBC today that stated, all good muslims should follow the example of Muhammad and kill the infidels..... that's you and me brother !!!!!

On top of that another Muslim stated that 51 mosques in Britain are financed and under the control of Wahhabi organisation from Saudi Arabia they are directly radicalising young Muslims here, we have this cancer growing in our midst. We have been betrayed by our Government allowing these muslims here in such large numbers, whose ideology is to take over Europe.

Monday, 15 June 2015

Magna Carta 800th Anniversary

Today is the 800th Anniversary of The Magna Carta.

In Wikipedia Lord Denning describing it as "the greatest constitutional document of all times – the foundation of the freedom of the individual against the arbitrary authority of the despot".

So how come us, as Individuals were completly ignored when The Despot George Brown signed away our Sovereignty to The EU, a direct contravention of The Magna Carta, without a vote from The People.

And how come  one of The Other Great dictates of The magna Carta that nobody is above the law,  has been broken time and time again by The Paedophiles in The Greatest positions of Power ,  the despots, Edward Heath ( accused by Michael Shrimpton on Youtube of Child Abuse, Torture and Murder of Children bought to him by Jimmy Saville ), Leon Brittan ex Home Secretary ( all the accusations are now pouring out now he is dead ), Lord Jenner (currently escaping the net claiming alzheimers even though he has been signing into The House of Lords  ), members of The Monday Club various MP's of all parties ( Look at the way  The Special Branch waded in to protect Cyril Smith, when Barbera Castle handed documents to the Editor of The Bury messenger ), all the people mentioned on The Guest List at Elm Guest House. In direct contravention of The Magna Carta these people in power have put themselves above the law, being protected by D'Notices, The Secret Services, Special Branch, The Police, The BBC, The General Media, and even our Current Government who have known about these transgressions for years and have been in collusion and cover ups.


Saturday, 13 June 2015

Trooping The Colour.

Trooping The Colour, there would have been a time when I was proud to stand in uniform and be a part of this famous almost Institution. But what postion does The Queen really have now Gordon Brown has signed away our sovereignty, and what is our democracy all about. My faith has been shaken so much over the last few years, first I would love to know what involvement The Queen had in Princess Diana's death, so many unanswered questions there ?  Then there is the fabric of society I grew up in, so many people involved in Child Abuse and the covering up of that by The Government, The Police, The Secret Services, Special Branch. The people I grew up to respect, Jimmy Saville, Rolf Harris, Max Clifford, then there is the cover up of top British politicians, Edward Heath (ex Prime Minister ) accused by Michael Shrimpton of having been supplied by boys from Haut de Garenne by Jimmy Saville and being blackmailed by The Germans over his proclivities, Leon Brittan (  Ex Home Secretary ), various MP's of all parties, members of the elite Monday Club, well you only have to look at The Elm Guest House List.
And now the latest election Cameron with only 36.9% percent of the vote getting  a majority, how is that democracy ?  and the SNP with 4.7% of the vote gets 56 MP's and is wagging the tail of the dog saying they will vote against us leaving Europe. Well I tell you what they can have the 10 - 20 million immigrants in Scotland and then see how they like it.
So what is the answer The Roar Party is the only party that will give you real democracy with e-voting on all important issues.
Lets have a revolt against being run by the small Eton elite and get democracy back to the people.

Thursday, 4 June 2015

How do you get our own Government Investigated at the very highest level

It seems like The FBI are doing a massive International investigation on FIFA. So what do we do as a country when there are massive allegations about Various ministers and MP's who are alleged to have been involved not just in Child Abuse, but Torture and Murder as well. Google... Edward Heath, Jimmy Saville, Haut de Garenne. So we have an ex Prime Minister, Home Secretary, various MP's of all parties, members of the renowned Monday Club, Entertainers, Members of the Judiciary, all alleged to have been involved in this. D Notices, The Secret Service, Special Branch are also accused of colluding, covering up and protecting these people. So is it any surprise that various inquiries are continuing to white wash what has been happening. So do we need to appeal to the FBI to investigate these accusations, they are doing a great international job of Investigating FIFA. The thing is how do we get action when our own Government is so heavily involved in covering all this up, they don't want to get to the truth because it will bring down The Government. How do you get our own Government to the very highest level investigated. ?

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Sepp Blatter vs David Cameron further update.

I can't believe what I have just read, this is a quote from David Cameron :-

Speaking in Berlin, Mr Cameron said: "You cannot have accusations of corruption at this level and on this scale in this organisation and pretend that the person currently leading it is the right person to take it forward.
"That cannot be the case. Frankly, what we've seen is the ugly side of the beautiful game and he should go.
"And the sooner that happens the better - the faster that organisation can start to rebuild its credibility, which is going to be so important because so many people around the world want to see this game properly managed, properly looked after, so we can all enjoy the World Cups of the future."

Well Mr Cameron you are the person leading an organisation that has been covering up Historic Child Abuse on a huge scale  with D Notices and the collusion of The Secret Service, Special Branch and The Police, you have seen the ugly side of The Elite Westminster  Paedophile Rings and you should go...

"And the sooner that happens the better - the faster that organisation can start to rebuild its credibility, which is going to be so important because so many people around the world want to see this cleaned up, properly managed, properly looked after, so we can all enjoy the Politics of the future."

Sepp Blatter v's David Cameron update

Sepp Blatter resigns because he hasn't the confidence from The Footballing World.
Well... David Cameron you only had 36.9% of the vote, you havn't got the confidence of The British People..... time to resign

Sepp Blatter resigns, now its David Camerons turn.

On Monday we compared Sepp Blatter with David Cameron both at the top of a mountain of corruption. Sepp Blatter has had the decency to resign. Now its David Cameron's turn, sitting at the top of The Conservative Party one of the most corrupt political parties in The World, decades of covering up the most heinious crimes of Child Abuse, Torture and Murder with D'Notices, and the collusion of The Secret Services, Special Branch and The Police. To be true its not just The Conservative Party, but all The English Political Parties, they have all colluded in The Child Abuse Cover Up, and it continues Lord Jenner currently claiming Dementia to escape investigation but continues in his  duties at The Lords, how can he do this while claiming tp have Dementia.
Not only this corruption but David Cameron has completely failed in his promises to keep immigration to the tens of thousands, the latest figures at 318,000 this should be enough for a resignation. The very thing they should have as their priority to protect their people, they are failing in miserably.
Of course he failed in his biggest promise before the last election to give us a vote on Europe, even now only promising a vote in two years, WE WANT A VOTE NOW !!!!!!!

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Jeremy Hunt obviously read our blog on the 9th February 2015

It contained this paragraph :-

The Roar Party has already laid out that we will peg all public employees to The Prime Ministers salary, after all why should someone running a public authority earn more than the Prime Minister who is running The Country, especially when those down the chain are being treated so badly.

Read the rest of our blog Jeremy we have some other great ideas !

Monday, 1 June 2015

Sepp Blatter versus David Cameron

Sepp Blatter v David Cameron.

Sepp Blatter gets re-elected to FIFA President after 14 members of his executive committee are arrested on Corruption Charges. Then gets re-elected with 133 votes against Prince Ali's 73. Surely the guy should resign just from the normal conventions of common responsibility and decency, he is the man in charge and there is all this corruption going on directly under him on his watch.

How does this align with David Cameron well.... David Cameron heads a party that has been associated with Child abuse, Torture and Murder, from The very highest level, Michael Shrimpton alleges Edward Heath was involved in Child Abuse, Murder and Torture... just google... Edward Heath, Jimmy Saville and Haut de Garenne. Then there was Leon Brittan luckily for David Cameron dying just when the heat was coming on about his involvement with Child Abuse and losing the files on Child Abuse that were handed to him by MP Geoffrey Dickens. Then there were all the members of The Monday Club that are mentioned in The Guest list at Elm Guest House. All these Westminster Elite Paedophile rings have been protected by D Notices, The Special Branch and The Secret Service. All news about this has covered up for years but now the news is breaking all over The Internet and Social Media.
Then there is the recent election what an unfair system where the Scots get 56 MPs elected from 1.4 million votes, UKIP get 1 MP from 3.8 million votes and the DUP get 8 seats from only 184,260.
Of course David Cameron is happy with this result that gave him a majority but there is a huge swath of the electorate that feels disenfranchised and disillusioned. So how come David Cameron gets re-elected on top a huge abuse scandal that is breaking all over the internet like a tsunami and on top of a broken electoral system. #cameromnmustgo

The Roar Party has the answers to the broken electoral system and will give real democracy to The People with e-voting on all important issues. Reality Politics will RULE.

The People, are our Nations Rightful Rulers, People own the freedoms and liberties that our ancestors died for and passed on to us through The Magna Carta, now we must be ready to fight so that we can pass them on intact to our children and our children's children.