Thursday, 27 August 2015

So Moat it Be

You couldn't MOAT it up,  get caught out claiming expenses for cleaning out your Moat and you get promoted. Get shuffled off the government benches because there is a hint of scandal involving Dolphin House and The VIP Paedophile Ring and you get promoted to the Lords with all the other old queers.
825 Peers all the old cronies claiming their £300.00 a day, a lot of hard working English people have to work hard all the week for that. The Roar Party is the only party that will put a stop to this, we want a revolution where The Commons will become a debating chamber and The People will have a vote on all important issues with e-voting, real democracy with Reality Politics.

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Lies and Propaganda

Once again The British Government lies to its people, they have used stock photos and made up conversations to illustrate a point on The Benefits System, making out they are real people talking.
If the Government lies to us over The Benefits System, can we believe them about anything ?
Ian Duncan Smith should resign immediately and the person in The DWP who authourised these lies should be sacked. Are they learning how to promote their Propaganda from Their Masters The Germans who were so good at it in the last war, and is The Stasi still there influencing our Government. This is The Government that wants us to remain in Europe and what lies and propagande are they going to feed us The People when it comes to The Most Important  Vote of all, In or Out of Europe. A Europe that Michael Shrimpton alleges on You Tube that we were taken into by The Germans blackmailing Edward Heath over his proclivities to rape, murder and abuse children. A Government that has known about the elite VIP Paedophile ring for decades and has used The Secret Services, The Special Branch,  The Police and D Notices to keep this from The People, because if this was known that an Ex Prime Minister, Ex Home Secretary, Ex Chancellor and members of various political parties, had been taking part in the most horrendous activities against children. It would mean the end of The Government, no wonder David Cameron and Theresa May havn't said a word about this.

The Roar Party pledges to bring you a Government of Truth, to give you The People a vote on all important issues, so that a Government that has only got 23.4 % of the vote can't talk for the people any longer. They will give you a vote on Europe and Immigration and all important other issues.

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Russia Today V BBC

Here is a question for you.
Are Western Journalists that work for  RT peddling Russian Propaganda the same as the journalists that work for the supposedly unbiased BBC peddling The British Governments and The EU's Propaganda ?

Saturday, 8 August 2015

Captain Cameron

We are sorry we keep coming back to this story, its just that we don't get it ! With an Ex Prime Minister, Ex Home Secretary, Ex Chancellor, Lord Janner members of The Monday Club all accused of Murder, Torture, Rape, Child Abuse. Captain David Cameron keeps sailing on like The Captain of The Titanic with the Conservative Band playing on. He is on a critically wounded ship that is going down, yet not one word from him or The Home Secretary on the subject, its as though they are members of The Ostrich Party, heads well and truly buried in the sand, while The Ship they are on (shall we call it Morning Sickness ? ) is going down.

Thursday, 6 August 2015


Don't forget the way The Japanese came into the war a completely surprise attack on Pearl Harbor.
Then they conducted the worst atrocities on our Prisoners of War, my own Uncle came home from a Japanese Prisoner of War camp and his experiences were so bad he would never talk about them. They were guilty of the worst types of War Crimes.

Edward Heath

So now its breaking the news about Ted Heath. You know it beat me over the last election I just didn't get it that people would vote for a Party where The Prime Minister, The Home Secretary, Chancellor, members of The Monday Club had in various ways been implicated in  Murder, Torture, Child Abuse of the worst kind, where children in care had in effect been trafficked around for the pleasure of our ruling class. Google:- Edward Heath, Jimmy Saville, Haut de Garenne.

So five Police Forces are investigating Edward Heath, I hope they are going to interview the Secret Services that were allegedly watching Jimmy Saville take vunerable young children onto Morning Cloud, indeed Michael Shrimpton says that they nicknamed Edward Heaths boat "Morning Cloud" "Morning Sickness".

Indeed it makes you wonder about The Special Branch, they stopped Don Hale (The editor of The Bury Messenger ) publishing a story given to him by the MP Barbara Castle about Cyril Smith, warning him of imprisonment if he published and giving him a D Notice stopping him publishing the story.

Another D Notice covered the story about Leon Brittan and his visits to Elm Guest House, the very person who was given the files by Geoffrey Dickens that dissappeared.

Also Chris Fey ( worked for The National Association of Young People in Care ) alleges that Special Branch were intercepting Victims of Abuse that were coming to give evidence at his office about their abuse, and warning them off, and personally held a gun to his head warning him against investigating a VIP paedophile ring. Google :- Chris Fey, Special Branch.

Even more worrying is the fact that Michael Shrimpton alleges that The Germans were blackmailing Edward Heath over his proclivities, into taking us into The Common Market on their terms.

And now we have Prince Charles trying to pull a veil of secrecy over his association with Jimmy Saville. Why is he trying to cover all this up ?

I feel betrayed by the media and the Police they have known all this for years and have been part of the huge cover up. I find it very odd that The Current Prime Minister is sailing along completly ignoring all this and is part of the cover up himself, he is like the Captain of the Titanic his ship is mortally wounded and he is sailing along with it sinking beneath his feet.
