Saturday, 26 September 2015

Jeremy Corbyn and his detachment from the People.

At the moment The Labour Party doesn't seem to know where its support comes from, one of the first things Mr Corbyn did after being elected was to go to a pro-immigration rally. Now in the last few years I have enjoyed a few pints with the boys in the public bar much like Nigel Farage and like Nigel I have listened to groups of working class men chatting, do you know the two main subjects have been that they would like to see immigration stopped and they are against the EU. Later that day Mr Corbyn stated that he was for The EU and wouldn't vote to come out.
Now this week Kerry McCarthy has  stated that eating meat is on a par with smoking. As the authorities now fine people for smoking in a car accompanied with children, will The Labour Party fine people for giving thier children meat.
I have never seen a party that purports to support the working man distance itself so far from their supporters, they have it wrong over what the ordinary man thinks about Immigration and Europe, and now they are attacking what has been the staple diet for the working man for two generations, Meat  and Two veg.

Friday, 18 September 2015

The Conservative Party have already raped our children, now they are going to rape us.

Its funny just when the VIP Elite Paedophile ring story was really breaking with 7 Police forces saying they were going to investigate Edward Heath. The story of the little boy was suddenly front page news and now we are going to have to accept 20,000 Syrian refugees, as a cover for The VIP Westminster Paedophile ring story.
It's amazing when an Ex Prime Minister, ex Home Secretary, ex Chancellor, Members of The Monday Club and various MP's of all parties are all being accused of the worst crimes including Murder, Torture,  and abuse, that we haven't heard a word from David Cameron or Teresa May on the subject, indeed I was at a meeting at the House of Commons a few months back when all this was being brought to the attention of the public, and I was extremely disappointed that David Cameron or Teresa May never put their head through the door to support The Child Abuse campaign.
Now Teresa May has said that we are going to have to have accept 20,000 Syrian refugees here, isn't the 600,000 we took in last year enough, and aren't they wreaking enough havoc here already. The Syrian refugees if they come will be all suffering physical and mental distress and will probably be dependent on the NHS for a long time, we can't even cope with the mental health issues in this country already, do you really want to put more refugees in front of our own people, and that is without the housing problem we have here, it was reported this week that 1 in 10 of our ex-servicemen that fought gallantly in Iraq and Afghanistan are homeless.
There have been two very high profile murder cases reported recently where immigrants that had been accused of murder in their own countries   had come her and murdered two of our own. Surely we don't have to have free movement of criminals from Europe into our own country, do I need to remind you that the number one duty of your government is to protect its own.
It seems  that the majority of immigrants that want to come here now are Muslim, and you only have to look at what's happened in this country with how many people killed here already including two beheadings and how many bombs and even more bomb plots. Then we have the Muslim Gangs that have been abusing girls in how many English Towns now is it ten or more ? Then you look at what's happening in Sweden which has become the second rape capital of the world, with Muslim Riots, in Germany, Hungary, Spain,  Sweden, Netherlands even  Australia.
The Conservatives got in on a promise of immigration in the tens of thousands not hundreds of thousands and The Roar Party call on you to stop now !  STOP all immigration until the situation has been evaluated.
Come out of Europe so that we can deport the Murderers, Rapists and Thugs that are running rings around the system and making a fortune for The Legal Rights Lawyers like Cherie Blair.

Saturday, 12 September 2015

Congratulations Jeremy Corbyn.

You have to hand it to the Man, and he made a nice speech especially the way he bigged up his fellow contestants, even I was impressed until he got to the part where he said he was off to support the refugees march ! Then he showed his loony Islington leftists policies. doesn't he realise we feel betrayed by The Labour parties betrayal of The British People by their open door immigration policy to try and effect social engineering  by allowing so many people in, to try and change the voting patterns, to get more people to vote Labour ?
The Roar Party want to change the voting patterns by giving people the vote on all important issues,  even Zac Goldsmith is copying our ideas saying he wants more referendums on important issues, we want a bigger revolution than Jeremy Corbyn we want to give the People real democracy with reality politics.

Sunday, 6 September 2015

Thoughts for this week.

So much has happened this week, the main picture has been of this dead boy on the beach. Of course even one dead child is to much, but now we have so many different stories emerging about this, one that this family had been in Turkey for three years, that the father wanted to use health tourism to come to Europe to get his teeth fixed before going to Canada, another that he had sent his wife who was terrified of the water ahead of him to get into Europe first and then he would follow. We heard his story of how he had battled with the waves steering the boat before it was swamped. There seems to be so much misinformation around this story, which of these versions are true ? and now this story is being used to attempt to change The British attitude to immigration.
This story broke just as the really big story of the VIP paedophile ring was really breaking, with up to 7 police forces investigating the alleged involvement of Edward Heath, so has The Britsih Government latched onto this story of the dead child, and propagated it to cover this story.

This week as one of our members was driving near Basildon he was waved down by an Arab looking gentleman who rushed up and pleaded and asking if the person spoke arabic  ( oh yes thats so likely near Basildon ) and saying that he had run out of petrol, funnily enough this member had been scammed in exactly the same way 3 weeks earlier, so he reached for his camera and took a photo immediatly the scammer stood up so he couldn't be photographed, and immediately returned to his dark Blue Astra Car and drove away, funny that the car suddenly seemed to have petrol. Apparently this scam has been going on in Cambridgeshire and Surrey, so when we do allow these foreigners in, they are not content to settle down and work hard they are straight away trying to con us. Incidentally  this has been reported to The Police with the registration No.

Beware of Arab looking people asking for money for petrol.

Then we had a phone call in the middle of the night from a foreign sounding person who threatened us severely saying we should be careful what we write.