Friday, 30 October 2015

Do you want a Democracy, where your vote will count ?

Do you want a Democracy, where your vote will count ?

Its half past five in the morning and I am in a hotel room in Manila, I have just put the kettle on and made myself a cup of tea and now I can't sleep because I have this question going around in my head,

Do you want a Democracy where your vote will count ?

You know it probably made sense in the 13 th Century when our Parliament really begun, to elect a representative to travel to London on your behalf, because you had listened to him express his ideas ( his manifesto if you like ) and you hoped when he got there he would vote on your behalf, along the lines he had outlined to you. But now we know that isn't true ! The last Lanbour Government promised along with lots of other things a vote on Europe, when they got in they didn't give it to us, and when their manifesto was challenged in court, they more or less admitted it wasn't worth the paper it was witten on !
David Cameron on the lead up not to this latest election but the  one before that, promised us a vote on Europe. Did he give us that vote...NO !
He has promised the same thing again in the run up to the last election, has he given us that vote.... NO !
Now he is saying he will give  us a vote after he has renegotiated the treaty, thats a laugh because The Fuhrere has told him, NO ! renogotiation !

So where does that leave us ?

You could consider a party like The Roar Party ( Roar standing for Reform and Referendum or even Reform and Revolution ) because we would Revolutionise Parliament by giving the people themselves a vote on important issues with e-voting. Parliament would become a televised debating chamber, then the people themselves would get e-voting, lets reconnenect with the people, that have become so disillusioned by their representatives not actually voting  the way they had promised before the elections.
Thats without the gravy train that is The Houss of Lords, do we really need 819 expenses grabbing parasites ? in place of The People.

The Roar Party is the only party that promises you The People Real Democracy !

Monday, 26 October 2015


An article today stated that 50% of the worlds wealth is held by 1% of The Population, its true we are in one of the richest countries in the World and we are being ripped off by The Monarchy, The Government and The Multinationals. We The Roar Party pledge to bring some equality to The People.
Do you want a Revolution we will give it to you.

Sunday, 25 October 2015

Diesel Prices around the world.

The English Diesel Price of £1.10 a litre is one of the highest in the world, why do we stand for being ripped off by our Government like this. Recently in The Philippines which imports all its oil,  the  price of Diesel was 26 peso a litre equivalent to £0.36, we are being ripped off wholesale by our Government. Now with a hugh oil field discovered under Gatwick Airport, The Roar Party when elected will drastically bring down the price of fuel.  The English people should share in this wealth like other oil producing countries. The English people have been taken advantage for to long by their own Government and The Multinationals, join the revolution lets really change things.

Saturday, 24 October 2015

South African Students show the way on Tuition Fees.

South African students riot and get the Government to back down on Tuition Fees. You don't need to do this in England The Roar Party will promise to abolish Tuition Fees for English students. Mind you they will restrict University places to the brightest students, university is not for everyone and to counter this they will encourage British Industry to expand with a variety of measures that will encourage expansion. To start with if the governmene purchase anything where possible it will be sourced in Great Britain, no more German Ambulances, German Police Cars,  British taxpayers money going on German jobs, if we spend English Taxpayers money it will go on English jobs. Any companies operating in Britain will have to be owned 65% by British Nationals, this will stop multinationals operating here and not paying taxes into our economy. Houses and property will have to be owned by British Nationals or people with residential status.For to long English people have been  squeezed out of London by Foreign Investors, what advantage do we the people gain by this.  Maybe we could even apply this to British Football teams, 65% of a teams squad must be British born, this would encourage our teams to become stronger with home grown talent.

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Huge One Billion Prize to the inventor of an anti-gravity motor.

The Roar Party believes that the next big  breakthrough in science will be a usefull anti-gravity motor, and will provide a prize of 1 Billion Pounds to any person, group or company in Britain that could produce an Anti-gravity motor.
They will also build a new university to study this and other new scientific developements.
They will abolish tuition fees for University Students but will restrict University Entrance to a higher entry qualification. We want to encourage the brightest students to be able to have University Education and not come out at the end with a huge debt around their shoulders.