Tuesday, 5 November 2019

Peoples vote against Peoples Parliamenf.

The Mogg (Posh frock ) stated this week he was proud of our Parliament dating from the 13th Century. But we can see now that the representative Parliament is destroying democracy, it probably made sense in the 13th Century to send your representative to Parliament to vote on issues that had been agreed by the local yokels, and in those days you probably would never have known for weeks if he had actually voted on what had been agreed. But we are in the 21st Century and can watch those MP's voting against what the local yokels had agreed. Thus we have Parliament, the Speaker, the Judges and the establishment  destroying democracy by voting against the Peoples Vote on Brexit.  BUT we are now in the 21st Century, so we demand e-voting by The People on all Important Issues, Real Democracy for The People. Even The Bellicose Bercow agrees with this !