Monday, 21 April 2014

'Significant' weapons cache found in Bearsden

Ak 47's found in an arms cache, and in a separate action an automatic weapon capable of firing 850 rounds of ammo a minute. The people that have these arms cache's are conducting a war on British streets and The Roar Party is the only party that is putting constructive ideas on how to fight this war. We will have an amnesty on arms for six months and after that we will declare martial law and any one found carrying an illegal firearm will be take to a place of execution and shot at dawn the following morning. Of course this, like all the ideas put forward by The Roar Party  will be voted on democratically by The People. The Roar Party stands for Referendum and Reform, we want to change the face of British Politics and put The People  in The Driving Seat with Reality Politics. 

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