Wednesday, 24 February 2016

David Cameron launches a disgusting attack on Jeremy Corbyn.

David Cameron launches a disgusting attack on Jeremy Corbyn during Prime Ministers question time.
This is typical of the Bullingdon Boys bullying tactics, considering their initiating practices involving pigs heads, you shouldn't be surprised. One wonders why Muslims want to come to a Country like this when this sort of things goes on, and where even Ex Prime Ministers, Ex Home Secretaries, various high level politicians have been accused of child abuse. Mind you what has happened in Rotherham, Oxford and other numerous councils in England maybe this is what attracts them.

The personal attack on Corbyn happened during a debate on the NHS and the Junior Doctors while Jermy Hunt stood smirking in the background. One of our members in Essex ( here I go sounding like Jeremy Corbyn ) would like a NHS let alone a seven day NHS. He came back fom holiday on 3rd November the next day he was fitted with a catheter phoning his doctor following this he was told an appointment would be 3 weeks, so he went and waited at the surgery for an emergency appointment, during that he was told an operation for his enlarged prostate would be 18 weeks, and was given and appintment with a Urologist on 23rd December, during this appointment he was again told there would be an 18 week wait and following that eventually got an appointment with the Urologist who would be doing the operation on 19th February, guess what he was told at that appiontment he wouild be put on his waiting list another 18 weeks wait. This is a total of 34 weeks after he had his catheter fitted, 7 day week NHS don't make me laugh. We would like an NHS service.

Why ? is our NHS in such a state, a doctor on LBC stated last week that doctors have had 17 million new registrations in the last 5 years, this is a true figure on our immigration, we are being totally swamped by immigration, every infrastructure we had to cope with a population of 60 million is totally groaning under the strain of a population of 80 million. Schools, Hospitals, Doctors, Roads, Police are not coping.
David Cameron has totally failed on his promise of tens of thousands of immigrants when the true figure is tens of millions, Mr Cameron you are totally failing in your number 1 job of protecting the people and the only honourable thing to do is resign. Now he wants to take us further into Europe where our immigration will increase even more, this is time to STOP. #cameronmustgo, #jeremyhuntmustgo

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