Wednesday, 11 January 2017

The NHS or Trident

The NHS or Trident

Would you rather die before you get to Hospital or under the threat of a Nuclear Attack some time in the future ?

We need to treat The NHS properly we are currently spending less on The NHS in relation to GDP than many of our contemparies in Europe. Not only are we expecting the NHS to operate with a huge increase in population up from 60 million to who knows 75 or 80 million ? but we are expecting many of the NHS staff to work 12 hour shift patterns, what life balance or these people working under, The Underground workers expect a work life balance but we are not granting that same balance to some of our key NHS workers.

The Roar Party is the only party that will give you a vote on important issues like NHS versus Trident with e-voting, Real Democracy for The People.

#jeremyhuntmust go

Lets hope this hash tag works, it did work with David Cameron


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