Monday 8 July 2013

MP's may have had their expenses trough taken away.

MP's may have had their expenses trough taken away. But now they are trying to get their noses in a new trough, the salaries trough. When are they going to realise that the Big Society means everyone not just the plebs, it applies to them as well. Well when everyone else is being offered NO rises or just a few percent, how are they going to get away with a £10,000.00 increase. It's NOT ON !!!!
While we are on the subject how come some  civil servants have had the most amazing increases in salary in the last 10 years, like CEO of councils and public utilities, The Roar Party would investigate these increases and peg them back to a normal amount of increase. they have been quietly feathering their nests for the last ten years hoping no one would notice.

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